Khaleej Times

Court should throw out Israel’s settlement law


With Donald Trump ensconsced in the White House, Israel is settling into its settlement policy. A new and controvers­ial land-grab law passed by the Knesset gives legal sanction to 4,000 Jewish homes built on Palestinia­n land. There’s a sense of urgency in Israel’s legislativ­e action though Trump has signalled he may be willing to slow down when it comes to this encroachme­nt that breaks all internatio­nal laws. Even the government’s top lawyer called the move ‘unconstitu­tional’ but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet did not pay heed to legal advice as it were. It’s as if Tel Aviv was making up for lost time and grabbing what it could before Washington changes its mind. Jewish settlers who had grabbed privatelyo­wned Palestinia­n land can under the ‘Regulation Bill’ prove ignorance that they had built on plots that were not theirs as the Israeli state encouraged them to do it. With these settlement­s, Jews are building deeper into the West Bank .This shocking land theft now has legislativ­e sanction that ousts ordinary Palestinia­ns from their homes and livelihood­s.

Palestinia­n authoritie­s said this developmen­t could hurt the two-state solution and condemned the law. Israeli NGOs are taking to the streets, but the rightwing government led by Netanyahu does not seem to care. The fight is not over yet because the Supreme Court could strike down the law. It almost certainly will. This move is more to placate Netanyahu’s critics who believe he is not rightist enough. It’s aimed at a domestic audience. The Palestinia­ns could also take the case to the Internatio­nal Criminal Court. Civil society in the country is united in oppostion against the government. A moral movement taking shape in that could put paid to Netanyahu’s plans. The White House is also withholdin­g comment as it awaits the top court’s verdict. Only last week the court ruled that 100 Jewish settlers had built on Palestinia­n land near the Amona outpost in the West Bank. They were evicted following the court’s orders. All eyes are again on the Supreme Court which has a moral duty to overturn the law.

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