Khaleej Times

First victims of Mumbai terror attacks declared dead eight years on


ahmedabad — Three fishermen believed to be the first victims of the Mumbai attacks have been declared dead by a court, more than eight years after the assault which killed over 160 people.

The ruling in the civil court in Gujarat means the men’s families can finally be granted death certificat­es for their loved ones, whose bodies were never found.

“The court accepted applicatio­ns from the kin of the deceased fishermen and ordered the state government to issue death certificat­es for the men,” government lawyer T C Sule said on Tuesday.

Five fishermen were aboard a trawler off the coast of Gujarat in November 2008 when it was hijacked by gunmen later identified as the perpetrato­rs of the Mumbai attacks.

The captain was found dead inside the trawler, but the bodies of the four others were never located.

Sule said the missing crewmen were presumed murdered by the extremists, but under Indian law one cannot be declared dead unless a body is identified or more than seven years has passed without any proof of life.

The families of three of the men approached the civil court in January last year, demanding death certificat­es be issued.

Without legal proof, they had been denied the financial compensati­on given to the families of those killed in the gun and bomb assault, Sule said.

“Their families can now seek benefits declared by the Indian government for the victims of the attack,” he said.

The family of the fourth fisherman did not approach the court.

The Mumbai attackers, having killed the crew at sea, sailed the hi- jacked ‘Kuber’ to India’s financial capital where on November 26, 2008 they unleashed a wave of violence. The carnage played out on live television around the world as commandos battled the heavily armed gunmen, who over three days detonated explosives and gunned down civilians across the city. —

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