Khaleej Times

EU chief negotiator denies 100B euro Brexit bill ‘punishment’


BRUSSELS — The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, insisted on Wednesday the bloc was not punishing Britain as London firmly rejected a reported 100 billion euro exit bill.

Barnier warned however against the “illusion” that leaving the European Union would be quick or painless, urging Britain to start talks as soon as possible after its general election in June.

“There is no punishment, there is no Brexit bill. The financial settlement is only about settling the accounts,” Barnier told a news conference as he unveiled his proposed negotiatin­g mandate for two years of talks.

“There is no question of demanding a blank cheque from the United Kingdom, that is not a serious question,” he said.

Britain’s Brexit minister David Davis said his country could simply walk away from the negotiatio­ns, following a report in the Financial Times that the estimated bill for Britain’s departure had soared from 60 billion to 100 billion euros. “We will not be paying 100 billion,” he told British media. “In the walk-away circumstan­ce there is nothing to be paid.”

Prime Minister Theresa May has warned that she would rather Britain exit the EU without any agreement on future ties than accept a “bad deal”. But May was put on the defensive this week after leaks about a disastrous dinner in London with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Barnier.

The leaders of the other 27 EU nations on Saturday unanimousl­y agreed a tough set of guidelines for the talks with Britain, covering issues of money, the rights of EU citizens, and the border in Northern Ireland. They insist that Britain must settle those divorce issues before talks on a future EU-UK trade deal can begin.

Barnier warned that the “clock is ticking” for a settlement and urged London to get serious to boost the chances of reaching a deal.

“Some have created the illusion that Brexit would have no material impact on our lives, or that negotiatio­ns can be concluded quickly and painlessly. This is not the case,” he said.

Barnier said the calculatio­ns of what the EU says Britain owes would be based on “rigorous methodolog­y”. He called on Britain to guarantee “for life” the rights of three million EU citizens living in Britain.

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