Khaleej Times

Commotion mars lawyers meet


lahore — A lawyers’ representa­tive convention, organised by the Lahore High Court Bar Associatio­n (LHCBA) to decide the future course of action about the demand for prime minister’s resignatio­n in the wake of Panama Papers verdict, was marred by commotion on Saturday.

Two groups of lawyers raised slogans in support of their stance. During the ruckus, some lawyers also broke the window-panes of the hall where the convention was being held. The police arrived at the scene but did not interfere.

The disturbanc­e continued for more than two hours after which the anti-PM group, led by Supreme Court Bar Associatio­n (SCBA) President Rashid A Rizvi, moved to the GPO Chowk and staged a demonstrat­ion there.

The commotion had started even before the beginning of the convention when a pro-PM lawyers’ group, led by PML-N Lawyers Forum President Naseer Bhutta and their like-minded bar representa­tives, reached the venue and took control of the stage and started chanting slogans in favour of the prime minister.

Talking to the media, Naseer Bhutta said the LHCBA convention was illegal and the lawyers came there from across the country to condemn it.

He said the Pakistan Bar Council had already settled the issue by holding a convention in this regard and now there was no need for such a gathering.

He said lawyers never participat­ed in any conspiracy during a democratic period and they always launched movements against dictators.

Later, talking to the media, SCBA President Rashid A Rizvi condemned the PML-N Lawyers’ Forum and its associates for their action at the convention. — APP

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