Khaleej Times

How to handle a shark attack when no one is around to help you


As far as Al Hammadi knew, one can easily get away with a shark attack by simply giving a powerful punch to the shark head. “That makes the shark dizzy for a short time that is enough for the diver to get out of water and survive.”

Divers are actually trained for diving only rather than going fishing or hunting. “We should all protect our precious marine life down deep the sea.”

Divers are advised and trained to avoid closed areas so as not to encounter any wild marine animal or get close to its breeding area for fear that this animal starts a counter attack and can kill the diver, he added.

“Divers are also instructed to dive in known areas to avoid being stuck deep down the sea,” he said.

“For anyone to start diving, he or she must be in good health and suffering no diseases. Trainees must be well aware of swimming and can control themselves, whereas physical fitness or age no necessary conditions for training.”

Al Hammadi added that sharks get scared and flee when encounteri­ng a big number of divers. “Therefore, we advise out trainees to remain in group and never to dive alone.”

The more the bubbles are, the more stressed and irritated the sharks get, he said. “Divers are accordingl­y advised to try to hold their breath for a few moments so as not to anger the sharks.” ahmedshaab­an@khaleejtim­

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