Khaleej Times

‘Arab world not yet ready for VoIP calls’

- anjana@khaleejtim­

The security situation in the Arab world is not conducive for enabling end-to-end encrypted calling features on instant messaging services like WhatsApp, said Dr Saeed Al Dhaheri, chairman of SmartWorld, a digital service provider and a joint initiative between Etisalat and Dubai South.

“As a customer, I will definitely stand to benefit if WhatsApp calling is enabled. But when you consider the national security and current situation in the Arab countries, I would not recommend it,” Dhaheri told Khaleej Times.

“In the region, security is a pressing concern. If we open up encrypted calling services, that will allow terrorists and other extremist groups to communicat­e securely without being tracked by security agencies. Personally, I doubt we are ready for de-regulating the telcommuni­cations industry.”

He said even if providers like Du and Etisalat would benefit because of the increased use of data bandwidth, national security cannot be compromise­d.

Toeing the same line, Mohammed Mustafa Saidalavi, COO of Emirates Safer Internet Society, said he would love to see a free quality tool where people can make free calls but “not at the cost of safety and security”.

“As a security and online child protection expert, I have concerns about enabling free WhatsApp calls that are encrypted. I will not endorse any tools that will allow criminals and anti-social elements to use encrypted calls and messages,” said Saidalavi.

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