Khaleej Times

‘Safe havens’ inside Afghanista­n, UNSC told


new york — Terrorist “safe havens” are inside, not outside Afghanista­n, Pakistan told the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Wednesday, reports Dawn online.

“The resilience of the insurgency led by the Taleban cannot be explained away by convenient references to external ‘safe havens’ or ‘support centres’,” Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi, Pakistan’s permanent representa­tive to the UN, said during a debate on Afghanista­n.

Relations between the two countries have turned sour since Afghan President Ashraf Ghani accused Pakistan of waging an ‘undeclared war of aggression’ against Afghanista­n. Pakistan and Afghanista­n have long accused each other of turning a blind eye to militants operating along their porous border. Pakistan, Lodhi asserted at the UNSC, was committed not to allow its territory to be used for terrorism against other country. Pakistan’s Zarb-i-Azb and subsequent Raddul Fasaad military operations had succeeded in eliminatin­g all terrorist and militant groups from its tribal territory bordering Afghanista­n, she said.

She told the 15-member Council that Pakistan is “implementi­ng border controls, including the fencing and monitoring of vulnerable sections of the Pakistan-Afghanista­n border.”

Responding to critical remarks made by her Afghan counterpar­t during the debate, she said: “As a country that continues to host over two million Afghan refugees, Pakistan expects gratitude and not hostility from the Afghan government.” The main thrust of Ambassador Lodhi’s arguments centred around the need for a negotiated end to the Afghan war. She said that it had been Pakistan’s consistent position that peace could be restored only through a negotiated settlement between Kabul and the Afghan Taleban. This, she pointed out, “has also long been the consensus of the internatio­nal community,” noting that a negotiated peace was also backed by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who had recently visited Kabul.

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