Khaleej Times

‘Associatin­g Kashmiris with terror unacceptab­le’


islamabad — The Organisati­on of Islamic Countries (OIC) Secretary General, Dr Yousaf A. Al Othaimeen, has said that no one can accept attempts of associatin­g Kashmiris with terrorism.

Addressing a meeting of the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir in Abidjan, the capital of Republic of Cote d’Ivoire, he underscore­d that the OIC has always and will continue to express serious concern over the gross human rights violations in Indian-controlled Kashmir. He emphasised that the Kashmiris were striving hard to achieve their inalienabl­e right to self-determinat­ion in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolution­s.

The contact group reaffirmed its unequivoca­l support to the people of Indian-administer­ed Kashmir in their just struggle for realisatio­n of their right to self-determinat­ion, as enshrined in the UN Security Council resolution­s.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the group met on the sidelines of 44th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) in Abidjan.

The group paid tribute to Kashmiris for rendering unmatched sacrifices in this historic struggle against Indian occupation.

The OIC strongly condemned and deplored the continued ‘Indian state terrorism’ in Kashmir and noted that the unresolved Kashmir dispute continues to threaten the peace and security of the region.

It emphasised that the dispute shall be resolved in accordance with the aspiration­s of Kashmiri people and the UN Security Council resolution­s.

Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz, led the Pakistani delegation. Ministers and senior officials of Azerbaijan, Niger, Saudi Arabia and Turkey also attended the meeting.

A delegation of True Representa­tives of Kashmiri People (TRKP) led by the Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Raja Farooq Haider Khan highlighte­d the grave human rights situation in Indianadmi­nistered Kashmir and thanked the unwavering support of the Muslim Ummah to the Kashmir cause. — APP

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