Khaleej Times

Oppn parties to remind Sharif of his pledge to quit


islamabad — Leaders of opposition parties Pakistan Tehreeki-Insaf’s (PTI) Shah Mahmood Qureshi and Pakistan People’s Party’s (PPP) Khursheed Shah in a meeting on Tuesday decided to push for the resignatio­n of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and exert pressure on the National Assembly in this regard, reports Dawn online.

Qureshi, while speaking to reporters after his meeting with the veteran politician, said both parties had agreed to submit a signed requisitio­n to National Assembly Speaker Ayaz Sadiq asking him to call a session of parliament.

“The purpose of the requisitio­n is to remind Nawaz Sharif of the promise he made to the country on the floor of the House last year,” Qureshi said, recalling the PM’s speech in the NA following the Panama Papers leaks last year, in which, according to the PTI leader, the PM promised to “resign without wasting a moment if any evidence was found against him in the investigat­ions.”

“That moment has now arrived,” he added.

The PM in his speech before the NA made no mention of resigning from his position if found guilty. He did, however, make this statement during a televised address to the nation.

He said that the two leaders had agreed to contact other opposition parties regarding the matter, adding that he had spoken to MQM-P leader Dr Farooq Sattar earlier in the day.

The purpose of the requisitio­n (of na session) is to remind nawaz sharif of the promise he made to the country on the floor of the House last year Shah Mahmood Qureshi, PTI leader

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