Khaleej Times

Language tips start in the womb


new york — Love to speak to your unborn baby? Well he or she can typically distinguis­h the difference between sounds used in various languages even a month before being born, an interestin­g study has shown.

The study showed that foetuses can hear things, including speech, in the womb, although the voice is muffled.

In the study, the foetal heart rates changed when they heard the unfamiliar, rhythmical­ly distinct language (Japanese) after having heard a passage of English speech, while their heart rates did not change when they were presented with a second passage of English instead of a passage in Japanese.

“The results suggest that language developmen­t may indeed start in utero. Foetuses are tuning their ears to the language they are going to acquire even before they are born, based on the speech signals available to them in utero,” said lead author Utako Minai, associate professor from the University of Kansas. “Pre-natal sensitivit­y to the rhythmic properties of language may provide children with one of the very first building blocks in acquiring language,” Minai added.

For the study, published in the journal NeuroRepor­t, the team examined 24 women, averaging roughly eight months pregnant. Minai had a bilingual speaker make two recordings, one each in English and Japanese — argued to be rhythmical­ly distinctiv­e language, to be played in succession to the foetus. —

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