Khaleej Times

Taxi app offers ride with a marriage matchmaker


islamabad — A Pakistan appbased taxi service has launched an unusual add on, offering passengers the chance to share their ride with a marriage matchmaker.

Users in Pakistan woke on Wednesday to an unexpected notificati­on from Careem — an Uber-like taxi hailing app popular in Muslim countries: Have a ‘rishta aunty’ accompany you during your ride.

Rishta aunties, as marriage matchmaker­s are known in South Asia, keep detailed records of eligible men and women — from education level and salary, to height, weight and even skin tone — and will set you up with your future spouse, for a fee.

Usually portrayed in popular culture as bespectacl­ed women

We’ve launched this service in order to help the younger people find a right match Sibtain Naqvi, a Careem official

with a clipboard of names and an ancient Nokia mobile, the aunties have had an update thanks to Careem. The “rishta” service — which has only been rolled out for two days in two cities in Pakistan — quickly had the country’s vocal Twitterati on overdrive.

“Careem is the halal Tinder now, except that there’s a rishta aunty who’ll do the swiping for you,” joked Twitter user CrazeeGent­leman.

But many were speculatin­g that it was just a marketing ploy by the taxi app service.

“Driving with rishta aunty a success for @CareemPAK already, it’s 11:33 AM and half the marketers in my list are talking about it,” wrote Amnaa Tariq on Twitter. Careem Pakistan was quick defend the move as a legitimate service.

“We’d noticed that rishtas are a popular topic of discussion among our more senior users. So we’ve launched this service in order to help the younger people find a right match,” said Careem Pakistan’s head of public affairs Sibtain Naqvi, according to local media.

“During the ride people can tell the aunty their preference­s and the Aunty will later get in touch with them with a suitable rishta (match),” Naqvi added. —

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