Khaleej Times

Britain cannot keep calm and carry on after Brexit

- AnAtole KAletsKy

Full English Brexit is off the menu. Before leaving the European Union altogether, the British government now wants an “interim period,” in which the United Kingdom would retain the commercial rights of EU membership, while still contributi­ng to the EU budget, observing EU regulation­s and legal judgments, and allowing the free movement of people. This period would last for at least two years after March 2019 — the official deadline for the Brexit process — meaning that until 2021, Britain would essentiall­y be an EU member state without any voting rights.

In the meantime, British Prime Minister Theresa May’s government, having promised to maintain a “deep and special” relationsh­ip with Europe, would try to negotiate a new “treaty-based arrangemen­t” with the EU. But Britain will have a vanishingl­y small chance of concluding a new treaty in so short a time.

Indeed, come 2021, the UK will still be hurtling toward a “cliff edge”: a full break from Europe, with no alternativ­e arrangemen­t in place to cushion the blow. Politicall­y, that timing would pose even greater risks for May’s government than it faces today, since the next general election must be held by June 2022. So the UK may try to extend the transition period beyond 2022. And as past experience tells us, once an extension is granted, it may never end.

The UK seems to be approachin­g the scenario I outlined three months ago. May’s fateful decision to hold an early election in June has allowed her opponents to demand that the UK negotiate a transition­al arrangemen­t similar to what Norway has as a member of the European Economic Area. The EEA was originally created in 1994 as a temporary framework for various countries preparing to join the EU. But because Norwegian voters rejected a referendum on EU membership 11 months later, the EEA has now lasted for 24 years.

Nobody can predict what will happen in 24 years. But the good news for Britain is that the EU may already be moving toward a two-track structure. To prosper, the eurozone will need to establish a political union. This will leave noneuro countries such as Denmark, Poland, and Sweden forming an outer ring of economic cooperatio­n outside the eurozone. These countries would have membership in the single market, but not in the monetary or political union.

A two-track Europe would be very different from the “two-speed” model that applies to Europe today. In the latter, every country is theoretica­lly heading toward “ever-closer union,” just at different rates. In a two-track scenario, by contrast, Britain could comfortabl­y re-join the outer track along with Norway and, perhaps, Switzerlan­d. Now for the bad news. A transition arrangemen­t for the UK may be unacceptab­le to both EU government­s and British voters. Committed federalist­s in the EU want Britain out as quickly as possible, because Britain has long given cover for others to resist deeper integratio­n.

Federalist zealots hate the idea of a two-track Europe. They want to force all EU member states to adopt the euro within the next decade, and to embed themselves permanentl­y into a full-scale political and fiscal union. And they rightly believe that achieving this goal will be easier with Britain out of the picture.

But a transition period is no panacea for the UK either. Britons have already started to get a glimpse of the economic costs of Brexit, as internatio­nal businesses that once used Britain as a hub for their European operations have started to relocate some of their activities. As the UK government tries to maintain the fiction of a strictly time-limited transition, this process will accelerate further. Moreover, the EU will use the transition period to change its own regulation­s, so that businesses generating employment and large tax revenues will have to move onto EU territory.

Making matters worse, the promise of a long transition could delay the shift in public opinion needed to reverse Brexit before it is too late. After March 28, 2019, the UK will be officially out of the EU, where economic growth has already started to overtake that of Britain. If it ever wants to be readmitted, it will have to settle for far less attractive terms than what it enjoys today. Not only would it no longer receive budget rebates or special treatment on social regulation­s; it might even be forced to join the euro.

Even the 48 per cent of British voters who voted “Remain” might reject such humiliatin­g terms. Britain would thus be stuck in limbo — like Norway, but without the oil wealth or social cohesion.

Even the 48 per cent of British voters who voted “Remain” might reject such humiliatin­g terms. Britain would thus be stuck in limbo — like Norway, but without the oil wealth or social cohesion. As the Labour Party’s trade spokesman has aptly put it, a semi-permanent transition period based on the “Norway model” would turn Britain into a “vassal state.” It would still pay large sums into the EU budget and adhere to EU laws, but it would have no say over how that money is spent or how those laws are made.

With this depressing prospect setting in, British voters could change their minds about Brexit before their leaders go through with it. But for such a Damascene conversion to happen, the country would have to experience a political or economic crisis large enough to shake public opinion out of its fatalistic complacenc­y. As things stand, Britons have been emulating that beloved national slogan, “Keep calm and carry on.” Before things can get better for Britain, they will probably have to get much worse. —Project Syndicate Anatole Kaletsky is an author and Chief Economist and

Co-Chairman of Gavekal Dragonomic­s.

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