Khaleej Times

Any ideas to contain a rogue North Korea?


Was it an act of war? Let’s just say it’s a permanent warlike situation out there. Every missile test by Pyongyang further destabilis­es the Korean Peninsula. Tuesday’s missile flew over the north of Japan, near Hokkaido, and fell into the sea. It was the 14th conducted by the regime this year which is dangerous by any standards. Experts believe the regime has tested 21 types of missiles in eight months. More missiles were tested by the North in six years than during the terms of his grandfathe­r and father combined. Pyongyang is perfecting the ballistic missile technology which could put every country in its sights. But what makes this more serious is that the as yet unnamed Medium Range Ballistic Missile could be used to carry a nuclear warhead. It was so close and Tokyo was naturally concerned. But the United States was cool to the latest episode because it can only be reached by an Inter-continenta­l Ballistic Missile (ICBM). The distance may be comforting for Washington. President Trump has said all options are on the table but that’s little comfort when the administra­tion is busy dealing with Hurricane Harvey.

North Korea’s actions may have also caused some ‘ballistic fatigue’ across the world. The flurry of tests is now a behavioura­l trait for the dictator. Responses have been along expected lines — the UN Security Council meets; a round of condemnati­on follows, except from Pyongyang’s lone backer China which asks all parties to behave. Beijing could tilt the balance and make Kim see reason, but the dragon appears unsure of its ability to influence the course of events in the region. The reality is this — Kim Jongun will not play ball with the US, Japan and South Korea if they allow him to play with fire. Diplomacy has not even gotten off to a start. What North Korea seeks is military parity, to be seen as an equal, a nuclear power, and not a pariah state. It’s foes will have none of it. Get set for more fireworks.

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