Khaleej Times

Advances in heart disease interventi­on

- Staff Reporter asmaalizai­n@khaleejtim­

DUBAI — Heart disease treatment in general has witnessed major advances particular­ly in the field of percutaneo­us interventi­on, said Dr Albert E Alahmar, consultant interventi­onal cardiologi­st, Dr Sulaiman Al Habib Hospital, Dubai.

“Structural heart disease is quite common and can affect all ages. Traditiona­lly, most of these abnormalit­ies were treated with open heart surgery. However, over the last decade, these treatment options have evolved to a keyhole and relatively small tubes (catheters) to deliver and deploy the relevant devices to the relevant chambers of the heart,” he said.

He said that the heart team and operators expertise are key part of the treatment process to guarantee all procedures are performed with high quality and safety and indeed to top standards.

Unblocking the coronary arteries and deploying stents in patients with angina or acute heart attack; closing holes in the heart (ASD/VSD) with special devices; replacing the narrowed or incompeten­t aortic valve and implanting devices in a small chamber of the heart (left atrial appendage) with irregular heart rhythm (atrial fibrilatio­n) for life are some of the surgeries that can be done through a keyhole incisions.

Structural heart disease is quite common and can affect all ages. traditiona­lly, most of these abnormalit­ies were treated with open heart surgery.” Dr Albert E Alahmar, consultant interventi­onal cardiologi­st

 ??  ?? modern-day heart treatment options have evolved to keyhole surgeries that help quicker recovery.
modern-day heart treatment options have evolved to keyhole surgeries that help quicker recovery.
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