Khaleej Times

Healthy living is not a choice but responsibi­lity


The stats are shocking. Obesity has reached epidemic proportion­s. About one-third of the world’s population is obese. Childhood obesity has increased tenfold in the past four decades. Untreated obesity is responsibl­e for several non-communicab­le diseases including diabetes, heart and liver diseases, several types of cancer and joint pain. The cost of treating such diseases worldwide will reach $1.2 trillion each year from 2025. Obesity is prevalent not just in developed countries but also in low and middle income nations and among all economic classes. It affects people differentl­y at different ages. The culprits are extra calories — when intake of calories is more than what is expended — sedentary lifestyles, lack of sleep, genetic makeup … the list can be endless. But, enumeratin­g the facts and factors will not take us anywhere. We need to weed out the menace and we have to begin at the roots. Constant exposure to fast foods — notorious for having additives and other elements that lead to obesity — has to be curtailed. Be mindful of what is fed to babies and children. Try to create healthy food habits. Make physical activity part of the family’s culture. For, it’s not just the physical aspect one needs to worry about. Emotional factors, too, can wreak havoc on a person’s well-being.

Dubai, recognisin­g that health is happiness, is on the right path. The taxes on sugary drinks is just one of its initiative­s towards this direction. Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid’s ‘30 minute x 30 days’ Dubai Fitness Challenge is yet another. It’s now up to individual­s to take responsibi­lity for their health, their well-being. And the onus lies on families to support. For, being obese can drasticall­y reduce lifespan. Remember, losing even five to 10 per cent of your weight can delay or prevent some of these diseases and make you healthier. Occasions like World Obesity Day are stark reminders of the fact that it’s not just about nuclear wars and global warming that we need to worry about. Our world is unhealthy, and it has to be turned around. Fast.

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