Khaleej Times

Philippine leader threatens to form ‘revolution­ary govt’


manila — Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has warned he is prepared to establish a “revolution­ary government” to fend off alleged efforts to oust him, fuelling fears of a looming dictatorsh­ip.

He issued the warning on state television late Friday as he railed against the press, European lawmakers and other critics of his drug war that has left thousands dead and led rights groups to warn of a crime against humanity.

Duterte said he would resort to a revolution­ary government, as opposed to martial law that would require congressio­nal approval, if communists and other opponents tried to destabilis­e his rule.

“If your destabilis­ation is taking place and there is chaos already, I will not hesitate to declare a revolution­ary government until the end of my term and I will arrest all of you and we can go to a full-scale war against the reds,” Duterte said, in reference to communist rebels who have waged a nearly 50-year insurgency.

Duterte alleged the US Central Intelligen­ce Agency was part of a plot to destabilis­e him, and warned he would jail all of his opponents as well as the communist leaders.

“I will declare a revolution­ary government, you are all arrested. I am not scaring people, just remember that,” he said.

Duterte cited the precedent set by Corazon Aquino, who establishe­d a revolution­ary government soon after leading a “People Power” uprising in 1986 that ended the dictatorsh­ip of Ferdinand Marcos.

Aquino sacked all elected officials, abolished Congress and tore up the 1973 constituti­on in favour of a provisiona­l charter.

But she then ensured a new constituti­on was written and stepped aside after elections in 1992. She is revered by many Filipinos who see her as a heroine of democracy.

To prevent a recurrence of a dictatorsh­ip, the post-Aquino constituti­on limited presidents to a single term of six years.

Duterte’s critics fear the 72-yearold, who has repeatedly threatened to impose martial law, is intent on dragging the country back into dictatorsh­ip and allow himself more freedom in prosecutin­g his drug war.

“Definitely, what it all means is that he alone will rule and we’re going back to the Marcos dictatorsh­ip,” said former House of Representa­tives member Neri Colmenares, a member of the leftist Bayan Muna (Nation First) party.

Colmenares told AFP the revolution­ary government threat was part of Duterte’s “establishe­d pattern of intoleranc­e to dissenting voices and his belief that brute force will solve all problems”.

One of Duterte’s fiercest critics, Senator Leila de Lima, is in jail on drug traffickin­g charges she and rights groups say are trumped to silence her.

Duterte has vowed to “destroy” another senator who is critical of him, while his allies in Congress are seeking to impeach the Supreme Court chief justice after she criticised parts of the drug war. —

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