Khaleej Times

World is watching what you do, Haley tells Iran

- AP

new york — A UN Security Council emergency meeting on the protests roiling Iran is putting Tehran on notice that “the world will be watching” what it does, the US ambassador said on Friday.

US Ambassador Nikki Haley also said the internatio­nal community can’t let Iran silence protesters’ messages, particular­ly by blocking some social media platforms.

The US called Friday’s meeting after giving moral support to the anti-government protesters in a week of demonstrat­ions and counter-demonstrat­ions. Russia said Washington was oversteppi­ng into Iran’s domestic affairs.

At least 21 people have been killed amid the anti-government protests and unrest over the country’s economic woes — demonstrat­ions Iran has accused the US of stirring up.

Haley said “the world should applaud their courage”, and the US “stands unapologet­ically with those in Iran who seek freedom for themselves”. —

new york — “The world will be watching what you do,” US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has warned Iran during an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss the situation in the Islamic nation which has faced a series of nationwide anti-government protests.

Durting the meeting, three members France, Russia and China of the permanent five, joined Iran in asserting that this 15-membered body was not an appropriat­e forum to discuss the current situation in Iran as it does not pose any threat to internatio­nal peace and security.

Heated debate took place on the floor of the Security Council at the UN headquarte­rs in New York after its 15 members were gathered at the request of the US to discuss the current situation in Iran.

“The people of Iran are rising up. They are asking for something that no government can legitimate­ly deny them: their human rights and fundamenta­l freedoms. They are calling out, Think of us. If the founding principles of this institutio­n mean anything, we will not only hear their cry, we will finally answer it. The Iranian regime is now on notice. The world will be watching what you do,” Haley told a meeting of the United Nations Security Council.

The meeting of the United Nations Security Council was convened at the request of the US to discuss the current situation in Iran, where some 21 people have lost their lives in more than weeklong anti-government protests across the country.

United States President Donald Trump has come out in support of the protestors.

Every United Nations member state is sovereign, but member states cannot use sovereignt­y as a shield when they categorica­lly deny their people human rights and fundamenta­l freedoms, the US ambassador said.

She called on all of her other colleagues in the Security Council to join her in amplifying the message of the Iranian people.

“And I call on the government of Iran to stop censoring the voice of the people and to restore the access to the internet. Because in the end, the Iranian people will determine their own destiny,” she said.

“And let there be no doubt whatsoever: The US stands unapologet­ically with those in Iran who seek freedom for themselves, prosperity for their families, and dignity for their nation. We will not be quiet. No dishonest attempt to call the protestors, puppets of foreign powers, will change that. The Iranian people know the truth. And we know the truth,” Haley said.

Briefing the Security Council, Taye-Brook Zerihoun, Assistant United Nations Secretary-General for Political Affairs, said the demonstrat­ions taking place in Iran were a fundamenta­l expression of human rights, and a powerful exhibition of brave people who were so fed up with their oppressive regime that they were willing to risk their lives in protest.

The Iranian regime’s contempt of the rights of its people had been widely documented, she said.

Addressing the Security Council,

The people of Iran are rising up. They are asking for something that no government can legitimate­ly deny them: their human rights and fundamenta­l freedoms. They are calling out, Think of us.

and I call on the government of Iran to stop censoring the voice of the people and to restore the access to the internet. Because in the end, the Iranian people will determine their own destiny Nikki Haley, US ambassador to the UN

the Iranian Ambassador to the UN, Gholamali Khoshoroo slammed the 15-membered body to have allowed itself to be abused by the Trump Administra­tion in holding a meeting that falls outside the scope of its mandate. This is a mistake by the Security Council, he said.

“This is nothing but another desperate attempt by the US administra­tion to escape, as it has lost every shred of moral, political and legal authority and credibilit­y in the eyes of the whole world,” he said.

There is a long history of US bullying at the UN, and the case of the Iranian protest was a prepostero­us example of interferen­ce in the purely internal affairs of a nation.

Khoshoroo alleged that the US has a long history of intervenin­g in the internal affairs of Iran, including a continuous pattern of disruption in the democratis­ation process in Iran. — PTI

 ?? AFP ?? British ambassador to the UN Matthew Rycroft and US ambassador Nikki Haley (second right) talk with each other before the start of the UN Security Council meeting in New York . —
AFP British ambassador to the UN Matthew Rycroft and US ambassador Nikki Haley (second right) talk with each other before the start of the UN Security Council meeting in New York . —
 ?? AP ?? Young Iranians at a cafe in downtown Tehran. —
AP Young Iranians at a cafe in downtown Tehran. —

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