Khaleej Times

Educated humans are ripping the world apart: Sadhguru

- Dhanusha Gokulan

dubai — An auditorium filled with over 6,000 people took deep breaths, laughed and nodded in unison as Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev took the crowd through a four-hour long spiritual journey.

The Indian mystic, ecologist and spiritual leader held the crowd of various nationalit­ies enraptured at the Dubai Festival City Arena on Friday.

The modern-day guru entered the packed auditorium sporting purple and gold robes over a grey kurta and a white turban as he admonished and cajoled the crowds about the so-called “concerns and worries” of 21st century human beings. Human beings are the most sophistica­ted machine, with the most number of problems, said Sadhguru.

“Unfortunat­ely, you use your phone more than the human machine. Perhaps that is why we call it smart,” quipped Sadhguru, prompting people to settle down.

Commenting on the human tendency to lament on the things that they don’t have, he said: “If we do not do what we can do, then we’re a disaster.”

He added: “There are three mites on our backs that slow us down. They are assumed sense of self significan­ce, pride and ego. As humans, if we release these three off our back, we will fly.” Having said that, he also added that there is no point in idolising his own words. “What is of paramount importance is within you. Someone else’s words maybe inspiring, not transpirin­g,” he added.

Sadhguru called human beings the most confused creatures on the planet. He said: “Life is a combinatio­n of time and energy. Time is a relative experience, constantly spinning at the same pace... There is no such thing as time management, it is constantly flowing and no one can manage it.” He added: “If you’re serious about doing something, do it with what you have — what’s in our hand.” He said that in the larger scheme of things, the earth itself is a very tiny speck in the infinite universe.

The guru spoke out about how pointless it is to have joy as the end aim of life. “I’ve noticed that miserable people have a long life... There is no point in seeking happiness towards the end of this machine’s expiry date,” he laughed pointing at his own body. He said that depressed people had a tendency to move from their bathrooms to their bedrooms, but a happy person visits a garden, for example. “Life is truly lived and experience­d when people are exuberant,” he added.

The event, organised by the Isha Foundation, is Sadhguru’s second visit to Dubai. Sadhguru is the founder of the Isha Foundation, a non-profit organisati­on which organises yoga programmes, social outreach and environmen­tal initiative­s in various parts of the world.

The guru criticised modern education systems, saying that it is the educated people and not the uneducated ones who are ripping the world apart. Mid-session he walked down the aisle separating the audiences and greeted people individual­ly, and the jolly guru broke into dance asking audience to join along.


Unfortunat­ely, you use your phone more than the human machine. Perhaps that is why we call it smart.”

There is no such thing as time management, it is constantly flowing and no one can manage it.”

What is of paramount importance is within you. Someone else’s words maybe inspiring, not transpirin­g.”

If you’re serious about doing something, do it with what you have — what’s in our hand.”

 ?? Supplied Photo ?? Sadhguru at the Dubai Festival City Arena. —
Supplied Photo Sadhguru at the Dubai Festival City Arena. —

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