Khaleej Times

Kabul mulls options after massacre


kabul — Kabul reacted in despair and fear on Sunday, a day after a suicide bomb killed more than 100 people and wounded at least 235 in the worst attack seen in the Afghan capital in months.

There was a mix of helpless anger at the seemingly endless wave of attacks after an ambulance packed with explosives blew up in a crowded city street, with security officials warning that more attacks were possible.

“How are we to live? Where should we go?” asked shopkeeper Mohammad Hanif, who was in his shop near the site of the explosion when it went off.

“We have no security, we don’t have no proper government, what should we do?”

The blast was claimed by the Taleban, a week after their deadly attack on the city’s Interconti­nental Hotel, in a calculated answer to US President Donald Trump’s new strategy in Afghanista­n.

“The Islamic Emirate has a clear message for Trump and his hand kissers that if you go ahead with a policy of aggression and speak from the barrel of a gun, don’t expect Afghans to grow flowers in response,” Taleban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement, using the term the use to describe themselves.

Trump, who last year sent more American troops to Afghanista­n and ordered an increase in air strikes and other assistance to Afghan forces, said the attack “renews our resolve and that of our Afghan partners”.

The attack was the worst seen in the Afghan capital since a truck bomb near the German embassy killed 150 people in May.

“People were running everywhere to escape, there were wounded people lying on the ground, people with wounds to their arms, legs, heads,” Hanif said.

After a deadly week in which an office of the aid group Save the Children in the eastern city of Jalalabad was also attacked, President Ashraf Ghani’s Western-backed government has faced growing pressure to improve security.

Despite a major tightening in checks following the May 31 attack, the ambulance was able to get through the checkpoint­s, apparently without difficulty.

“People don’t have work. There’s no life for people in Afghanista­n. People have to look for a life somewhere else, there’s nowhere,” said shopkeeper Sameem. Pressure is likely to mount on President Ashraf Ghani to resolve political confrontat­ion with his opponents, in particular with provincial powerbroke­rs defying central rule, and focus on security. “People think the government is working very badly and security is no good,” said Najib Mahmood, a professor. —

The united States is committed to a secure afghanista­n that is free from terrorists who would target americans, our allies, and anyone who does not share their wicked ideology. Donald Trump, US President The Islamic Emirate has a clear message for Trump and his hand kissers that if you go ahead with a policy of aggression and speak from the barrel of a gun, don’t expect afghans to grow flowers in response. Taleban, statement We have no security, we don’t have a proper government. Where should we go? Hanif, A shopkeeper

 ?? AP ?? Afghans carry the coffin of a relative who died in Saturday’s deadly suicide attack in Kabul. —
AP Afghans carry the coffin of a relative who died in Saturday’s deadly suicide attack in Kabul. —
 ?? AP ?? A shopkeeper removes the shuttered glasses from his shop in Kabul on Sunday. —
AP A shopkeeper removes the shuttered glasses from his shop in Kabul on Sunday. —

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