Khaleej Times

Pakistan calls for strengthen­ing UN observers mission in Kashmir


NEW YORK — Pakistan has called for expanding the United Nations Military Observers Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP), which monitors the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir, to enable the mission deal with the rising tensions in the disputed region.

“This (UNMOGIP) needs to be expanded to respond to existing threats and realities,” Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi, permanent representa­tive of Pakistan to the UN, told the UN Special Committee on Peacekeepi­ng Operations on Monday.

UNMOGIP, she emphasised, was a “critical factor for stability” in the region. The special committee brings together all stakeholde­rs of peacekeepi­ng — the UN’s flagship activity — troop and police contributo­rs, financial contributo­rs, Security Council members and the UN Secretaria­t.

As the committee opened its 2018 substantiv­e session, Ambassador Lodhi said that Security Council mandates based on political expediency complicate­d the situation on the ground vis-avis the security of United Nations peacekeepe­rs.

Peacekeepi­ng fundamenta­ls must be preserved even when adapting to changing realities, she said, adding that blurring the line between peacekeepi­ng and peace enforcemen­t would impact on the impartiali­ty of the Blue Helmets.

While underscori­ng the need for political solutions, the ambassador said there could be no lasting peace without addressing the root causes of conflicts.

“Peacekeepi­ng needs to be strengthen­ed through support for political solutions and mediation processes,” she said.

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