Khaleej Times


Calls Grow louder for Ceasefire to stop bloodbath in rebel area


Warplanes pounded the last rebel enclave near the Syrian capital for a fifth straight day on Thursday as the United Nations pleaded for a ceasefire to halt one of the fiercest air assaults of the seven-year civil war and prevent a “massacre”.

At least 368 people have been killed, including 150 children, in the rural eastern Ghouta district on the outskirts of Damascus since Sunday night, according to the Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights war monitor.

More than 1,850 people have been wounded in the assault by Syria’s military and its allies. Planes have struck residentia­l areas and, according to medical charities, hit more than a dozen hospitals making it near impossible to treat the wounded.

“There is a need for avoiding (a) massacre, because we will be judged by history,” UN Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura said. He called on the UN Security Council to declare a ceasefire.

President Bashar Al Assad’s main ally Russia said it could support a 30day truce, but not one that included the militants it says the eastern Ghouta operation is meant to target.

The existing “de-escalation zone” agreement that has failed to halt fighting does not include the radical faction formerly known as Nusra Front, and rebels in Ghouta say it is the presence of a small number of Nusra militants that is constantly used as a pretext for the siege and bombardmen­t of the enclave.

Residents of Douma, the biggest town in eastern Ghouta, described plumes of black smoke billowing from residentia­l areas after planes dropped bombs from high altitude. Searches were under way for bodies amid the rubble in the town of Saqba and elsewhere, said rescuers.

In Syria’s north, where Turkey launched an offensive in the past month against a Kurdish militia, the Kurds said pro-government fighters were now deploying to front lines to help repel the Turkish advance, though assistance would be needed from the Syrian army itself.

Government forces also entered a part of Aleppo controlled by the Kurdish YPG militia, a witness and the Observator­y said, although the YPG denied this.

Internatio­nal attention is now focused on the humanitari­an plight in the eastern Ghouta, where 400,000 people have been under siege for years and where government bombardmen­t escalated sharply on Sunday, causing mass civilian casualties.

De Mistura said he hoped the Security Council would agree to a ceasefire resolution, but acknowledg­ed it would be hard. “I hope it will. But it’s uphill. But I hope it will. It is very urgent,” he told reporters at the United Nations in Geneva.

Moscow and Damascus say their assault on eastern Ghouta is necessary to defeat rebels who have been firing mortars on the capital.

“Those who support the terrorists are responsibl­e” for the situation in eastern Ghouta, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a conference call with reporters. “Neither Russia, nor Syria nor Iran are in that category of states, as they are waging an absolute war against terrorists in Syria.”

A White House statement said Washington backed the UN call for a ceasefire to allow access for aid and medical evacuation­s.

“The United States also calls upon Russia and its partners to live up to their obligation­s with respect to deescalati­on zones, particular­ly those in eastern Ghouta and to end further attacks against civilians in Syria.”

Aid workers and residents say Syrian army helicopter­s have been dropping “barrel bombs”on marketplac­es and medical centres. —

 ?? Reuters ?? Civil defence workers help an unconsciou­s woman and a man from a shelter in the besieged town of Douma in eastern Ghouta on Thursday. —
Reuters Civil defence workers help an unconsciou­s woman and a man from a shelter in the besieged town of Douma in eastern Ghouta on Thursday. —
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