Khaleej Times

Facebook is fighting its own battle with openness

Mark Zuckerberg wants more meaningful interactio­ns on the platform, but it is easier said than done

- ElizabEth Dwoskin CORE ISSUE —Washington Post Syndicate

Mark Zuckerberg has mandated wholesale change at Facebook after a year during which the company was rocked by Russian meddling, fake news, and controvers­ies over its role in a democracy.

But there’s an apparent gap between what the big boss wants and the realities of the people that implement his wishes — a fact exacerbate­d by a culture of outspoken executives that is endemic to Silicon Valley.

That struggle has been evident at the social network in recent weeks. Over the last weekend, its leaders scrambled to manage Facebook’s message in the wake of an indictment by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III that laid out how Russian operators used Facebook and other social media platforms to manipulate American voters.

And just days before the indictment, another Facebook executive disclosed that the company wasn’t yet sure how to put in place Zuckerberg’s latest major directive: Shifting the company’s metrics so that so-called meaningful interactio­ns are valued over cheap likes and clicks, a response to the misinforma­tion and reports about the harms of social media that drew attention last year.

“Even if [Zuckerberg] says, ‘Resolve this right away,” the problems are baked into the fundamenta­ls of the platform,” said Jonathon Morgan, chief executive of New Knowledge, a company that tracks disinforma­tion. “It’s not like Mark Zuckerberg just comes to the floor, makes a command, and everything turns around. The changes are a real threat to the way that these people think about success at their jobs.”

Almost immediatel­y after the indictment landed, Facebook’s vice president of global policy, Joel Kaplan, took advantage of an opportunit­y to appear cooperativ­e with the regulators and critics that company has clashed with in recent months over how forthcomin­g Facebook was. He boasted that “today’s news confirms our announceme­nt last year that foreign actors conducted a coordinate­d and sustained effort to attack our democracy,” and that the company had readily handed over informatio­n on Russian interferen­ce to authoritie­s. He said he was “grateful that the US government was now taking this action against those who abused our service.”

But hours later, another Facebook

The comments from Goldman, who had 1,600 followers at the time, could have been a standard Twitter debate between profession­als — until Trump broadcast the comments

vice president, Rob Goldman, who runs the company’s massively lucrative ad business, seemed more defensive about Facebook’s role. “I have seen all of the Russian ads and I can say very definitive­ly that swaying the election was *NOT* the main goal,” he tweeted, adding that the majority of Russian ads ran after the election. “We shared that fact,” he wrote, “but very few outlets have covered it because it doesn’t align with the main media narrative of Tump [sic] and the election.”

Researcher­s and experts pounced on Goldman, pointing out that the bigger challenge for Facebook did not relate to ads but to the free content posted by Russians that the company has said reached nearly half the US population — 10 times the number of people who saw the ads. (Facebook has not said whether the majority of the free posts appeared after the election.) Others suggested that his conclusion­s contradict­ed the special counsel’s indictment, which found that election meddling on Facebook was indeed a priority of the Russian operatives.

The comments from Goldman, who had 1,600 followers at the time, could have been a standard Twitter debate between profession­als — until United States President Donald Trump broadcast the comments to 48 million users the following day. Goldman now has over 11,000 followers.

The controvers­y sent Facebook executives scrambling. They tried to recast the statements, emphasisin­g that Goldman was speaking for himself, without prior approval. Kaplan, trying to put an end to the matter, put out an additional company statement saying that “nothing we found contradict­s the Special Counsel’s indictment­s. Any suggestion otherwise is wrong.” They vented internally that Goldman had damaged hard-won credibilit­y with the public. By on Monday, Goldman, posting on Facebook this time, had issued an apology to his colleagues.

Goldman is part of a social mediaorien­ted culture that is permissive of employees having a voice and become so-called thought leaders in their field.

But that culture is increasing­ly pushing up against the need of big tech companies like Facebook to defend their credibilit­y. Marc Andreessen, a Facebook board member, shut his popular Twitter account after making offensive comments about Facebook’s goals in India. After Google fired a conservati­ve engineer for making derogatory statements about women, employees took to social media to protest both sides of the issue. Engineers across Silicon Valley pushed their chief executives to speak out against President Trump’s immigratio­n ban.

Recently, a Facebook executive spoke about the challenges of implementi­ng Zuckerberg’s latest directive to make the product less harmful by measuring time well spent and “meaningful interactio­ns.”

“We’re trying to figure out how to best measure and understand that,” Adam Mosseri, Facebook vice president who manages the company’s news feed, said at an industry conference. “The metric is definitely evolving.”

“But there is a real difference between feeling informed and being informed,” Mosseri wrote on Twitter. “We have yet to work out a way to do the latter.”

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