Khaleej Times

WElfArE PrOgrAmmEs hAvE hElPEd ThOUsAnds: OfficiAl


A total of 71,244 workers from Pakistan received help to get jobs in Dubai and Abu Dhabi from September 2016 to March 2018 as part of increasing overseas manpower, said Asma Ali, counsellor welfare attaché at the Pakistan Consulate in Dubai.

She was responding to queries from the community on the welfare work done by the consulate.

“Around 26,457 workers were recruited in Dubai and 44,787 in Abu Dhabi in the same period,” she said.

The Pakistan government has spent a total of Rs20 million on financial support given to 466 families in the UAE over the same period, she said.

“As many as 166 needy families were from Dubai while 300 were from Abu Dhabi,” she said. Legal assistance was provided to a total of four families with a total of Dh31,500 (Rs0.898m) spent on this help.

Giving other statistics, Asma said that currently 1,838 prisoners were in the Central Jail in Dubai.

“The government has also spent Dh81,500 (Rs2.570 million) on transporti­ng 29 human remains to Pakistan during the same period — 25 were from Dubai while four were from Abu Dhabi,” she added.

A total of 1,226 deaths were recorded during the same time — 994 from Dubai and 232 from Abu Dhabi. Also the consulate processed a total of 4,450 Foreign Exchange Remittance Cards and OPF membership cards during the same period.

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