Khaleej Times

Australia PM Turnbull feels the heat after 30th straight poll loss


Sydney — Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull marked an unwanted milestone on Monday by losing his 30th straight opinion poll — a benchmark he used to justify deposing former Liberal leader Tony Abbott.

Abbott was toppled in a September 2015 party room coup with Turnbull memorably citing his loss of 30 consecutiv­e Newspolls in The Australian newspaper as the key reason why he had to go.

Turnbull has been reminded about it by commentato­rs ever since, with Abbott vocal from the backbench as the party struggles to stay ahead of the Labor opposition before elections scheduled for 2019.

“I regret making those remarks at the time, making the remarks about 30 Newspolls,” Turnbull said on Monday on why the rationale he applied to Abbott should not also apply to him.

“But what I promised to do was to provide economic leadership and traditiona­l cabinet government and I have done both.”

Turnbull insisted he still had the support of the party and his focus was not on ‘personalit­ies or the politics’, but reinforcin­g his message that were Labor to take power they would be a “high-taxing, antibusine­ss government”.

Turnbull, who is considered a moderate, has struggled to push his agenda amid backbiting from the more hardline factions in his party.

Australia’s politics has been turbulent in recent years, with a ‘revolving

It’s not unusual for incumbent govts in between elections being behind in the polls, I mean we’re not actually that far behind, truth be told Mathias Cormann, Finance minister

door’ of prime ministers in charge. Four different leaders have served since 2013 as both Labor and the Liberals removed sitting prime ministers.

Asked whether he felt vindicated by Turnbull also losing 30 Newspolls, Abbott insisted to reporters: “It’s not about me, it’s got to be about our country,” while defending his right to “speak my mind”.

Rumblings in the media about a challenge to Turnbull refuse to go away with Abbott, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton in the frame, although a move is not seen as a serious option yet with the public having little appetite for more change.

Bishop said “I don’t envisage those circumstan­ces at all” when quizzed on whether she would consider a challenge if she was asked to do so by colleagues.

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said the prime minister had the support of the party.

“It’s not unusual for incumbent government­s in between elections being behind in the polls, I mean we’re not actually that far behind, truth be told,” he said. —

 ?? — AP ?? Turnbull, who is considered a moderate, has struggled to push his agenda amid backbiting from the more hardline factions in his party.
— AP Turnbull, who is considered a moderate, has struggled to push his agenda amid backbiting from the more hardline factions in his party.

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