Khaleej Times

Trump is morally unfit for office, says Comey


washington — Fired former FBI chief James Comey lashed out at Donald Trump in an interview with ABC broadcast on Sunday, calling him “morally unfit” to be president and describing him as a serial liar who will “stain everyone around him”.

Comey’s remarks are the latest salvo in a war of words with Trump, who excoriated the former FBI director on Twitter earlier in the day, again calling him a “slimeball” and suggesting he should be jailed.

The wide-ranging interview with ABC News also came ahead of Tuesday’s release of Comey’s memoir, A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership, in which he details his interactio­ns with the Republican president.

“I think he’s morally unfit to be president,” Comey said, in his first televised interview since being fired in May last year.

The former federal prosecutor pointed to how Trump “talks about and treats women like they’re pieces of meat” and “lies constantly about matters big and small and insists the American people believe it.” —

washington — Fired former FBI chief James Comey lashed out at Donald Trump in an interview with ABC broadcast Sunday, calling him “morally unfit” to be president and describing him as a serial liar who will “stain everyone around him.”

Comey’s remarks are the latest salvo in a war of words with Trump, who excoriated the former FBI director on Twitter earlier in the day, again calling him a “slimeball” and suggesting he should be jailed.

The wide-ranging interview with ABC News also came ahead of Tuesday’s release of Comey’s memoir, “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership,” in which he details his interactio­ns with the Republican president.

“I think he’s morally unfit to be president,” Comey said, in his first televised interview since being fired in May last year.

The former federal prosecutor pointed to how Trump “talks about and treats women like they’re pieces of meat” and “lies constantly about matters big and small and insists the American people believe it.”

“Values matter,” Comey said. “This president does not reflect the values of this country.”

Comey also said that serving in Trump’s administra­tion poses a serious ethical dilemma.

“The challenge of this president is that he will stain everyone around him,” he told ABC, which aired an edited version of the interview but published a full transcript.

“And the question is, how much stain is too much stain and how much stain eventually makes you unable to accomplish your goal of protecting the country and serving the country?”

But while Comey sharply criticised Trump, he said he hopes the president is not impeached.

“I hope not because I think impeaching and removing Donald Trump from office would let the American people off the hook and have something happen indirectly that I believe they’re duty bound to do directly.”

In his book, Comey likens Trump to a dishonest, ego-driven mob boss and says he demanded the then FBI chief ’s personal pledge of loyalty — a damning account that has infuriated the president at a moment of intensifyi­ng legal pressure on other fronts.

“I never asked Comey for Personal Loyalty. I hardly even knew this guy. Just another of his many lies. His ‘memos’ are self serving and FAKE!” Trump said in one of a series of tweets fired off Sunday before the interview.

The president said Comey “stupidly” handled a probe into Trump’s 2016 election rival Hillary Clinton and how she used a private email server during her time as secretary of state.

In another tweet, Trump offered a mini-review of Comey’s memoir. — AFP

I don’t think he’s medically unfit to be president. I think he’s morally unfit to be president.”

I think impeaching and removing Trump from office would let the people off the hook and have something happen indirectly that I believe they’re duty bound to do directly.”

The challenge of this president is that he will stain everyone around him

My sense of (Attorney General Jeff Sessions)... was that he was over matched for the job... and that he was going to struggle in it.”

His tie was too long, as it always is. He looked slightly orange up close with small white half moons under his eyes, which I assume are from tanning googles

Values matter. This president does not reflect the values of this country

 ??  ?? COMEY: Calls Trump a serial liar
COMEY: Calls Trump a serial liar
 ??  ?? Former FBI chief James Comey
Former FBI chief James Comey

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