Khaleej Times

Will death for child rape make India’s kids safer?

Fear of society prevents victims from coming forward to report crime while certainty of punishment is low

- VrinDa BhanDari DEBATE — Vrinda Bhandari is a Delhi-based lawyer

Responding to public outrage over the horrific rape and murder of an eight-year-old girl in Kathua in Jammu and Kashmir, the Indian government cleared the Criminal Law (Amendment) Ordinance 2018, which was promulgate­d by the president on the April 21. The ordinance has, controvers­ially, introduced the death penalty for rape of a girl below 12 years of age, while also increasing the mandatory minimum sentences for rape. It is expected that once parliament is in session, the ordinance will become a law.

Many have celebrated this shortterm “aggressive” response. Unfortunat­ely, it is far from clear whether the ordinance will achieve this goal. In fact, the ordinance is deeply troubling on many levels.

There is no doubt that child sexual abuse is a serious problem in India, and is, in fact, on the rise. Figures available with the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reveal that reported incidents of child rape have witnessed a sharp spike of 82 per cent from 2015 to 2016. The ordinance seems to place emphasis on the deterrent effect of introducin­g capital punishment in helping to reduce incidents of child rape, and in ensuring speedy justice for the victims. However, it is likely to have the opposite effect.

Indian law already provides for the death penalty as the maximum punishment in a case of murder, and for repeat rape offenders. Deterrent theories of sentencing are predicated on the rationalit­y of offenders, that is they presume that the fear of possible death will deter a would-be offender from committing a serious crime. Assuming this is correct, the result of introducin­g the death penalty for child rape would be that the law now provides an incentive for the perpetrato­rs to rape and then murder their victim — after all, it eliminates an incriminat­ing and often solitary witness to the crime at no additional cost.

Moreover, in India, the efficacy of deterrence in reducing crime is deeply doubtful, considerin­g that the certainty of punishment itself is very low for a variety of reasons. First, due to social stigma, deep-seated patriarchy and a long drawn and often humiliatin­g investigat­ion and trial process, there is under-reporting of incidents of rape and sexual assault.

The victim (often at the behest of her family) is simply unwilling to report such crimes and live through the public ordeal and possible reprisal that follows.

Second, the process of investigat­ion and trial for rape cases is also problemati­c in India, apart from being unduly delayed (the pendency rate for all child rape cases in courts was 89.6 per cent in 2016). The investigat­ion begins with the humiliatio­n and insensitiv­e questions often faced by the victim while getting a case registered in the police station, by officers with no training in dealing with victims. Even during trial, there is inadequate counseling, a lack of proper legal and psychologi­cal support, and a practice of both overt and covert victim blaming. All these factors contribute to victims turning hostile or refusing to prosecute further during the course of the trial, leading to low conviction rates, diluting any possible deterrence, which is relied upon by death penalty advocates so strongly.

The other rationale, which is cited by those who support the death penalty, relies on the retributiv­e theory of sentencing, where the punishment satisfies society’s cry for justice. However, such a theory does not give adequate importance to the role of the state in pursuing such vengeance. The state itself risks becoming a hostage to public opinion in such a scenario, and ignores the importance free societies have given to the dignity and life of every individual.

On its face, the ordinance seeks to provide for speedy dispensati­on of justice, by requiring that investigat­ion in child rape cases be completed within two months (from the earlier three months) and appeals in rape cases be disposed of within six months. However, such quick fix solutions that merely set out timelines without improving the underlying judicial and investigat­ive infrastruc­ture remain mere paper remedies, and in fact, come at the cost of due process. There is high pendency amongst the Indian judiciary, which does not have the capacity to deal with the burgeoning caseload. By emphasisin­g speed over quality, and setting artificial timelines, there is a worry that the quality of police investigat­ion will suffer, and the rights of the accused will be compromise­d.

Finally, it is important to talk about the procedural aspect of promulgati­ng this ordinance, which was passed as a way to quell the public outrage over the spate of publicised incidents of rape, and as evidence of government “action”. There was no parliament­ary deliberati­on or public discussion about the need for such a punishment, or whether the introducti­on of capital punishment in the statute books leads to a reduction of crime, or whether the death penalty will serve a penal purpose that cannot already be served by punishment­s such as life imprisonme­nt.

None of this is to discount the seriousnes­s of rape as a crime. What needs to be done, however, is not a shortterm, headline-grabbing fix of amending the law, but rather, to engage in finding a long-term solution that reforms the investigat­ive and judicial process and changes cultural and social norms that often justify rape culture. Only then will we have truly saved our children.

Indian law already provides for the death penalty as the maximum punishment in a case of murder, and for repeat rape offenders

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