Khaleej Times

Nisar: Indian govt to blame for Mumbai trial’s delay


islamabad — Former interior minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on Sunday said the “uncooperat­ive attitude” and “stubbornne­ss” of the Indian government has been the biggest obstacle in the Mumbai terror attacks trial reaching a conclusion, according to a media report.

Nisar’s comments came in the wake of a statement by ousted prime minister Nawaz Sharif who questioned Pakistan’s policy to allow the “non-state actors” to cross the border and “kill” people in 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.

Reacting to Sharif’s remarks, Nisar, under whose watch the Federal Investigat­ion Agency (FIA) was investigat­ing the Mumbai attacks, said the Indian government was to blame for the hold-up in the Mumbai attacks trial, daily

Dawn reported. “I say with full responsibi­lity that the delay and slow pace of the Mumbai attacks-related case in Pakistan was not Pakistan’s doing but was a result of non-cooperatio­n and stubbornne­ss by India,” said the PML-N leader.

He said since the attack took place in the Indian financial capital, it was the Indian government which possessed “90 per cent of the evidence and facts” of the incident.

“Despite repeated efforts, India refused to share those facts and evidence with the FIA and the investigat­ive committee formed by Pakistani courts,” he said.

He said, “There was no bigger evidence of the Indian government’s lack of interest in taking the case to its end than its refusal to allow FIA to question the only living proof of the attacks: Ajmal Kasab.”

“Kasab was hanged in such a haste, so that the Mumbai attacks could be used as a tool for Pakistan-bashing across the world on political basis,” he said.

He claimed that although Pakistan had cooperated with the Indian government for informatio­nsharing regarding every terrorist incident, India had not reciprocat­ed for incidents taking place inside Pakistan. —

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