Khaleej Times

Trust me on Brexit, says May as cabinet tensions simmer

- Reuters

london — British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Sunday she could be trusted to deliver Brexit, but that it could not be done without compromise­s on all sides — a possible warning to cabinet ministers who are deeply split over future customs arrangemen­ts.

The divisions inside her government over the customs issue were laid bare on Tuesday when Foreign Minister Boris Johnson said proposals for a customs partnershi­p with the European Union after Britain leaves the bloc were “crazy”.

May’s decision to leave the EU’s customs union, which sets tariffs for goods imported into the bloc, has become one of the main flashpoint­s in the Brexit debate, pitting companies and pro-EU campaigner­s against euroscepti­cs in parliament.

The issue has all but stalled Brexit discussion­s in Brussels and politics in Britain where as pro-Brexit lawmakers have lined up to denounce what is said to be May’s preferred plan.

The customs partnershi­p would see Britain essentiall­y collect tariffs on behalf of the EU in order to keep trade with the bloc flowing freely.

The Sunday Telegraph said at least a dozen of the 28 ministers in May’s cabinet were planning to block her proposal.

But May wrote in the S: “You can trust me to deliver.”

An alternativ­e proposal, called “maximum facilitati­on”, which relies on future technology to ensure trade continues easily after Brexit, is also being considered by members of her cabinet.

The EU has dismissed both proposals.

May said she had put forward different options, but she stressed Britain would leave the EU’s customs union so the country could establish its own independen­t trade policy.

“Of course, the details are incredibly complex and, as in any negotiatio­n, there will be compromise­s,” she said.

But she said she was setting out a path to deliver the Brexit people had voted for.

“I will need your help and support to get there,” she said in the

Sunday Times article. “And in return, my pledge to you is simple: I will not let you down.”

Environmen­t Minister Michael Gove, a prominent “Leave” supporter in the 2016 referendum campaign, said neither proposal was absolutely perfect.

“The new customs partnershi­p has flaws and they need to be tested,” he told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show on Sunday, adding that ministers were scrutinisi­ng both options.

Labour’s Brexit spokesman Keir Starmer said the government was in a “farcical situation”.

“Nearly two years after the referendum the cabinet is fighting over two customs options, neither of which frankly are workable, neither of which are acceptable to the EU, and if either of which were put to the vote in parliament, they probably wouldn’t carry a majority,” he said on the same programme.

Starmer said a comprehens­ive customs union with the EU was a necessary minimum to avoid creating a hard border between British ruled Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. —

“I will need your help and support to get there. And in return, my pledge to you is simple: I will not let you down. Theresa May, British PM

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