Khaleej Times

‘I have become positive in the last 10 days’

- Darren Streete

As Muslims, the way of life that we are taught is one of community and connection. Not only the importance of the connection we have with Allah, but also that of our families, the ones that we are born into to the ones we form in later life, or through the brotherhoo­d and sisterhood within the community

Islam teaches us about how we should connect, how we should relate and respect each other. I get a sense of peace in that, it makes me feel that I am a part of something bigger than just myself, more than just the person that keeps to himself.

I still find it a challenge at times to let go of my old ways of thinking, and start to think I am part of a wider world. But I have those around me that help to keep me strong in that path, and I have my connection to Allah in those times when I do not feel so peaceful. So as we are in the tail end of Ramadan, where more dedication and focus is required, it has brought me more towards a new way of thinking, and with a more sense of peace.

Each Friday I attend my Islamic classes at the Omar Bin Khattab Mosque, where I learn about the religion and our connection to Allah. There have been many topics so far, with each one being more enlighteni­ng than the next. A few weeks ago in one of my introducto­ry classes, we learned about the importance of Ramadan, and that the last 10 days hold particular importance when it comes to good deeds.

It is through our messenger Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) we know that within the last 10 days there is one day with the greatest reward through our connection with Allah, for any of the good deeds we do on this day.

No one exactly knows which one of these nights it actually is, so it is customary to maintain ourselves at our best at this time, even when we feel at our worst. For me, it is a wonder to understand that as part of this community we have a responsibi­lity to share, to share in our good fortune and where we can help those that are not as fortunate as ourselves.

Through my friends, I am learning more in the type of things we can offer during these last 10 days, like acts of charity, such as donating old clothes in mall centres. For this, I have been routing through my old things, which has been an experience. Touching my previous life with the things I have owned and then passing them on hoping they help in someone else’s life seems like a great gift. I am aiming to learn and help where I can during these next ten days. I will see where I can support in some of the programmes that are happening around in Dubai.

saman@khaleejtim­ (AS TOLD TO SAMAN HAZIQ) (Darren Streete is a 39-year-old British national who came to the UAE two and a half years back. He works as an HR manager in Dubai and embraced Islam in December 2017 )

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