Khaleej Times

Think past school learning, think big about education

- —Tariq Al Gurg is Chief Executive Officer, Dubai Cares

Fifty years ago, almost one-quarter of the world’s youth lacked basic literacy skills compared to less than 10 per cent in 2016. Young people in Asia and Africa, in particular, are far more likely to be literate today than they by the end of World War II. Whilst there has been major progress, however, 750 million adults and 115 million youth – two-thirds of whom are women – are still illiterate. An estimated 263 million primary school-age children worldwide still face ‘silent exclusion’ which means they are either out of school or enrolled but are not sufficient­ly learning. According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, the majority of countries missed the Education for All goal of reducing adult illiteracy by 50 per cent between 2000 and 2015. In other words, we still have quite a bit of work to do.

The absence of basic literacy and numeracy skills is a huge impediment to individual­s in their daily lives. Tasks that we take for granted, such as reading a prescripti­on, filling out a form, sending a text message, are challenges to illiterate adults and youth, and often prevent them from obtaining the most essential services and exercising their basic rights. It is no surprise that the United Nations lists ‘ensuring all youth and a substantia­l proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy’ as a Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goal to be achieved by 2030.

Literacy skills are essential for creating a lifelong learning framework, and for informed decision-making, personal empowermen­t and active participat­ion in local and global social communitie­s. In addition to alleviatin­g poverty and improving the quality of life, literacy also helps to attain gender equity, encourages greater political participat­ion and sustainabl­e developmen­t, and presents immense social and cultural benefits.

This year’s theme of the internatio­nal literacy day which revolves around ‘Literacy and Skills Developmen­t’ highlights the integratio­n between literacy and vocational and technical skills across the education and work system. As a result of the inequaliti­es within the global education system, many developing countries have witnessed mounting levels of youth unemployme­nt, largely owing to undevelope­d skills that are required in today’s progressiv­e job market. Therefore, when countries focus on youth and adults’ literacy, the effective linkages between literacy and skills must be determined. Today’s youth need to be equipped with the adequate skills and competenci­es – at school levels – that will allow for a smooth transition into the labor force. Moreover, the focus needs to move from merely literacy to profession­al skills that guide an individual to possess a diversifie­d set of proficienc­ies which are suitable for lifelong developmen­t.

The emergence of digital mobilizati­on has further amplified the literacy gap between developed and developing countries. This requires from us a new strategy – which couples vocational and technologi­cal skills, including teaching digital literacy skills, within the literacy agenda. Countries that have successful­ly implemente­d this

strategy enjoy high rankings for measures of education and skills across varied age cohorts.

Finland is one such example – where the quality of education and supply of skilled labor is ranked as one of the best in the world, followed by Norway and Switzerlan­d. In our region, the UAE is at the forefront, with high literacy rates at an increasing annual rate amongst males and females – which is a remarkable feat within a short period of time. Countries with similar high scores heavily invest in areas such as language training, engaging nationwide reading projects and providing training with the latest technology infrastruc­ture at all primary and secondary school levels. In addition, intensive training programs for teachers are exercised on a regular basis in order to enhance their skill level – so that their expertise can be emulated to high literacy rates among students.

As a global philanthro­pic organizati­on, we are committed to play an active role in advocating for literacy programs and continue to make valuable contributi­ons to achieving the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goal 4 (SDG4) which aims to ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning by 2030.

Despite the significan­t strides made towards achieving SDG4, there is still a lot to be done. Government­s must resist the temptation of education cuts, despite economic pressures. Education is the best path out of a crisis; it is the surest long-term investment in developmen­t. Children must go to and stay in school. No one should finish schooling without being able to read. This means, we must cultivate the habit of reading and have good teachers to support them. We must think big, to make literacy a reality outside formal schooling –at home, in the workplace, in libraries and community centers. We can do much more with new informatio­n and communicat­ion technologi­es to widen learning opportunit­ies for all. This requires alliances for literacy, especially from the private sector. The internatio­nal community needs to strive further in its shared ambitions to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all by increasing efforts, especially in poor countries and among vulnerable population­s, including persons with disabiliti­es, indigenous people, refugee children and disadvanta­ged children in rural areas.

We can do much more with new informatio­n and communicat­ion technologi­es to widen learning opportunit­ies for all. This requires alliances for literacy, especially from the private sector


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