Khaleej Times

Confident people know what they want

- BaRbaRa MaRkway —Psychology Today Barbara Markway, Ph.D., is a psychologi­st and the author of four books — three on social anxiety/ shyness and one on marriage.

Here are 10 things self-confident practice. Try them out to be a confident person. 1) They don’t believe they are worth less than others. One of the fundamenta­l beliefs underlying confidence is, “My worth as a person is equal to everyone else’s.” That doesn’t mean you don’t have to work for what you want, and it certainly doesn’t mean life divides up its rewards evenly. But it does mean you have the same right as anyone else to stand up for yourself.

2) They do not fear self-doubt. Confident people realse that not all self-doubt is a bad thing. Sometimes fear is a signal that you haven’t prepared enough for the big presentati­on, the recital or the interview. The voice of self-doubt may also be saying you need to get more informatio­n, move in a different direction, or take a break.

3) They do not hesitate too much. The flip side is that once you’ve put in the hours of practice, you should be able to take action without obsessing over what might go wrong.

4) They don’t wait for the “big” move. When you envision a confident person, you might think of someone who takes big, bold actions, like running for office or making a marriage proposal on the Jumbotron. But there can be boldness and bravery in small steps. Those incrementa­l changes build on themselves, both through your own feelings of accomplish­ment and reinforcem­ent from others.

5) They don’t confuse confidence with arrogance. Some people fear confidence because they don’t want to start stepping on other people’s toes, taking up too much space or just plain being a jerk. But confidence isn’t the same as arrogance or narcissism. In fact, when you feel confident in yourself, you often become less self-absorbed. When you stop worrying so much about how you’re coming across, you can pay more attention to those around you.

6) They don’t fear feedback or conflict. A confident person can accept helpful feedback and act on it without getting defensive. When your sense of self-worth is no longer on the table, you can handle criticism or even outright rejection without allowing it to break you.

7) They don’t fear failure. Confidence doesn’t mean you won’t fail. It doesn’t mean you’re always smiling or that you never experience anxiety or selfdoubt. Instead, it means you know you can handle those feelings and push through them to conquer the next challenge.

8) They don’t have to make things perfect. Perfection­ism is a form of faulty thinking that contribute­s to low self-confidence. If you believe you have to have something all figured out before you take action, those thoughts can keep you from doing the things you value.

9) They don’t believe everything they see in ads. Many advertisem­ents are designed to make you feel lacking.

10) They don’t believe everything they see on social media. It’s easy to believe that everyone around you has the perfect marriage, a dream career, and supermodel looks to boot. But remember that what people post online is heavily curated and edited.

It’s easy to believe that everyone has the perfect marriage and supermodel looks to boot. But remember what people post online is heavily curated

When we argue for our limitation­s, we get to keep them..” — Evelyn Waugh @GreatestQu­otes

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