Khaleej Times

Stressed out by Brexit talks, lawmakers try meditation



MPs attended Oxford Mindfulnes­s Centre’s courses this year

london — In the shadow of London’s Big Ben, members of parliament weary of the endless commotion over Brexit head into a chimney-stacked building to meditate and recharge.

The stressed out MPs do not fold themselves into the lotus position on yoga mats but instead sit at desks and breathe inside polished offices.

And their special instructor­s come from a centre in Oxford that promotes “mindfulnes­s” for dealing with mental strain.

“It’s basically giving you a technique to be able to settle and, you know, pause and get that sense of where you are,” Nic Dakin, an MP from England’s industrial north, said. “It might only take five minutes or it might take 30.”

Nearly 200 lawmakers have attended the Oxford Mindfulnes­s Centre’s courses this year and anywhere from a handful to a couple of dozen drop by meditation sessions each week. Many are seeking solace from a turbulent time for the UK.

Asked about the impact of Brexit, Dakin agreed that parliament­ary life had got tougher but added:” there’s always a lot to do and it goes with the territory.”

Britain’s split from the European Union — a long, bitter and messy process — appears to often subsume much of London’s political life.

MPs in the House of Commons take turns firing insults at each other during debates about how to avert economic meltdown once Britain strikes out on its own.

The appointed peers from the House of Lords are more philosophi­cal but still bitter in their own discussion about the country’s leap into the great unknown. —

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