Khaleej Times

Plea for constituti­on bench for Babri masjid issue rejected


new delhi — The Supreme Court on Thursday declined to refer to a five-judge Constituti­on bench the issue of reconsider­ation of the observatio­ns in its 1994 judgement.

In the Ismail Farooqui judgment, the court had ruled then that namaz or prayers can be offered anywhere and “a mosque is not essential”. The issue had arisen during the hearing of Ayodhya land dispute. In a majority verdict of 2:1, the apex court bench headed by Chief Justice Dipak Misra said the civil suit has to be decided on the basis of evidence and the previous verdict has no relevance on it.

Justice Ashok Bhushan, who read out the judgement for himself and the CJI, said it has to find out the context in which the five-judge had delivered the 1994 judgment.

Justice S Abdul Nazeer disagreed with the two judges and said whether mosque is integral to Islam has to be decided considerin­g belief of religion and it requires detailed considerat­ion.

The apex court said now the civil suit on land dispute will be heard by a newly constitute­d three-judge bench on October 29 as Justice Misra will retire on October 2 as the CJI.

The issue of mosque had cropped up when he three-judge bench headed by CJI Misra was hearing the batch of appeals filed against the Allahabad High Court’s 2010 verdict by which the disputed land on the Ram Janmabhoom­i-Babri Masjid area was divided in three parts.

A three-judge bench of the high court, in a 2:1 majority ruling, had ordered that the 2.77 acres of land be partitione­d equally among three parties — the Sunni Waqf Board, the Nirmohi Akhara and Ram Lalla. —

The observatio­n made in Ismail Farooqi case has to be treated as only observatio­n and not as the deciding factor of suit

Justice Ashok Bhushan

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