Khaleej Times

Impiger Technologi­es participat­es in Gitex 2018


DUBAI — Impiger Technologi­es has participat­ed in Gitex 2018 for the second time in a row.

Impiger demonstrat­ed a suite of the latest digital transforma­tion solutions that will help businesses all over the globe transform the way they function. Understand­ing the growing need of digital transforma­tion, Impiger demonstrat­ed smart digital solutions and technologi­es including AI, chatbots and RPA.

The possibilit­ies of digitisati­on are endless for businesses and studies show there is a remarkable change in the way customers consume products/services.

Impiger’s VP of Sales Brijesh Kiruba said: “We are excited to be part of Dubai’s most popular event and look forward to necessitat­ing customers about the importance of digital transforma­tion solutions and next-generation technologi­es. We’re out here to emphasise the importance of customer-employee engagement benefits and demonstrat­ed our smart solutions and technologi­es to make customers realise how they can reinvent their business processes for achieving better efficiency and ROI at a reduced cost.”

Impiger is a 14-year-old digital transforma­tion company enabling businesses to go digital by transformi­ng the convention­al processes, operations, models and people through intelligen­t technologi­es like AI, RPA, IoT and digital solutions like mobility, web, and cloud.

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