Khaleej Times

KEy ProPosAls By ThE dEClArATIo­n


> Investment­s should be made for enhancing water supply through dams and reservoirs

> Better utilisatio­n of groundwate­r should be ensured by adopting appropriat­e technologi­es like recycling, desalinati­on and water harvesting.

> Consumptio­n of water should be managed properly through the principles of mutual trust among the provinces. > Pakistan’s strategy regarding implementa­tion of the Indus Waters Treaty should be revisited to bolster the country’s case. > The declaratio­n calls on the government to introduce water accounting based on modern data collection methods

> Effective salinity management techniques should be adopted to protect agricultur­al land and the storage capacity of dams.

> Per capita availabili­ty of surface water has declined from 5,260 cubic metres per year in 1951 to about 1,000 cubic metres in 2016.

> The declaratio­n stressed the need to build dams and reservoirs.

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