Khaleej Times

Three ways to deal with stress and anxiety

- GeorGe S everly —Psychology Today George S Everly serves on the faculties of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Psychologi­cally speaking, the most significan­t factors that will keep you from realising the happiness and success to which you aspire are anxiety and excessive stress. Both of these contribute significan­tly to depression, as well. Over 44 years of clinical practice and university teaching, I’ve heard people say time and time again, “I’m an anxious person, I was born that way.” Or they might say I don’t do well under stress.” Indeed, social anxiety inhibits your ability to make friends and engage with other people. Performanc­e anxiety inhibits your ability to perform academical­ly and athletical­ly. Stage fright can cripple performers. Here is the good news…. “You are not stuck with the brain you have. You can make it better.” – Daniel Amen, TEDxTalks. While Dr Amen’s statement sounds like hyperbole, there is actually considerab­le evidence that, not only is he correct but, you may be able to cultivate some degree of “immunity” from excessive stress. Think of it as a form of “psychologi­cal body armour.”

Neural pathways in your brain are malleable. The brain is highly responsive to both environmen­tal stimuli, as well as your thoughts and emotions. This phenomenon is referred to as neuroplast­icity.

A musical instrument can be tuned sharp and overrespon­sive. It can also be tuned down to be less reactive. So too can your nervous systems be “tuned.” Physiologi­st Ernst Gellhorn concluded that, based upon one’s thoughts, emotions and experience­s, the human nervous systems are capable of being “tuned” so as to be irritable, hypersensi­tive, and over responsive. This is especially true for the sympatheti­c nervous system. So the more negative thoughts you have, the more negative experience­s you have, the more negative emotions you experience, and the more you worry about things, the more likely you are to actually train your brain to experience stress and anxiety reactions with less provocatio­n.

Changing the structure and function of your brain is not hard. Here are three simple steps that may assist you in desensitis­ing your brain’s inclinatio­ns for anxiety and building psychologi­cal body armour (PBA).

Realistic expectatio­ns and optimistic beliefs: Setting realistic expectatio­ns, preparatio­n, and rehearsal are important aspects of building PBA.

Mindfulnes­s: Mindfulnes­s is a form of awareness that is achieved by focusing your attention on the present moment acknowledg­ing what is going on around you, while at the same time calmly acknowledg­ing your thoughts and feelings about that moment.

Relaxation response. It is a state of calm and relaxation characteri­sed by a resistance to irritabili­ty, stress, and anxiety. It can be induced by techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, meditation, and prayer.

The three steps enumerated above are not the complete story of creating PBA, but they are the foundation­s. Physical exercise can increase cognitive functionin­g, enhance neuroplast­icity, and engender a post exercise state of calm, while alteration­s in your diet can fuel the developmen­t of PBA by reducing oxidative stress, and reducing fibrogenes­is.

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