Khaleej Times

Woman raped by ward attendant, 2 others in Lahore‘s Mayo Hospital


lahore — A young woman was allegedly raped by a ward attendant in Lahore’s Mayo Hospital when she visited the medical facility for the treatment of her ailing son.

An FIR has been registered against the three suspects. Police arrested the ward attendant, Shahid Butt, and two other suspects on Monday.

According to the FIR, the victim visited Mayo Hospital for the treatment of her ailing minor son. Three suspects, including security guard of the hospital, took the woman to an office of the Albert Victor Hospital (AVH) of the Mayo Hospital where one of them, Butt, raped her. She told police that her

As soon as I entered the office, the three suspects locked it from inside and Shahid Butt raped me

Rape victim

relative Usman came to the hospital on Friday to attend her son. She said he mistakenly went to the admin block where the security guard stopped him and warned him of fine for entering the prohibited area of the hospital which was reserved for the VIPs only.

The guard later threatened that the doctors would discharge her son as punishment and asked her to appear before the admin official for an inquiry early morning next day (Saturday). The victim said as she feared suspension of treatment she reached the hospital at the given time. “As soon as I entered the office, the three suspects locked it from inside and Shahid Butt raped me,” she said.

She said she reported the matter to the medical superinten­dent same day but he took no action against the suspects. Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has also taken notice of the incident and directed the health secretary to hold inquiry. —

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