Khaleej Times

Hundreds flee as battle for last Daesh base rages on


near baghouz (Syria) — USbacked forces pressed the battle to expel diehard militants from the last pocket of land under their control in eastern Syria on Tuesday after hundreds fled the holdout overnight.

Outside the “Baghouz pocket”, the plains were littered with empty pistachio-coloured rocket shells, water bottles, clothes left behind, and rotting dog carcasses.

The extremist group declared a cross-border “caliphate” in Syria and Iraq in 2014, but various military campaigns have chipped it down to a fragment on the Iraqi border.

After a pause of more than a week to allow out civilians, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) declared a last push to retake the pocket from the extremists on Saturday.

Aided by the warplanes and artillery of a US-led coalition, the Kurdish-led alliance has pressed into a patch of four square kilometres (one square mile).

SDF spokesman Mostefa Bali said heavy clashes were underway on Tuesday, after hundreds fled the battle zone during the night.

“A group of 600 civilians escaped from Baghouz at one in the morning and they are being searched now,” he said.

The Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights said the new arrivals included women and children from France and Germany. “Most of those who got out are foreigners,” Observator­y chief Rami Abdel Rahman said. Coalition spokespers­on Sean Ryan said US-backed forces were facing a fierce fightback. “The progress is slow and methodical as the enemy is fully entrenched and Daesh fighters continue to conduct counter attacks,” he said. “The coalition continues to strike at Daesh targets whenever available.”

The Observator­y said a coalition air strike killed 16 civilians. An Italian journalist was also wounded as he covered the clashes and evacuated for treatment, a colleague said on Twitter. — AFP

The SDF launched the battle to expel Daesh from the eastern province of Deir Ezzor in September, slowly tightening the noose around the militants and their families since December.

In the past two months, more than 37,000 people, mostly wives and children of militant fighters, have fled into SDF-held areas, the Observator­y says.

That figure includes some 3,400 suspected militants detained by the SDF, according to the Britain- based monitor, which relies on sources inside Syria for its informatio­n. At a gathering point for new arrivals, dozens of men knelt on the ground. Iraqi and Syrian women and children prepared to make the long journey north to a Kurdish-held camp for the displaced, after spending the night in tents. —

 ?? AFP ?? syrian Democratic Forces fighters stand guard as a convoy of trucks transports civilians fleeing the battered Daesh-held holdout of Baghouz in the eastern syrian province of Deir ezzor . —
AFP syrian Democratic Forces fighters stand guard as a convoy of trucks transports civilians fleeing the battered Daesh-held holdout of Baghouz in the eastern syrian province of Deir ezzor . —

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