Khaleej Times

MaN fouND guiLTy of RaPiNg uS CiTizEN


NEW DELHI — A man has been held guilty of digital rape of a US citizen by a Delhi court, which said her testimony could not be said to be unreliable as she came all the way from her country to depose in the case.

When someone rapes a person using their finger or fingers it is termed as digital rape.

Noting that the woman had no other interest left in India as her marriage had already broken down after the incident, Additional Sessions Judge Illa Rawat said the woman’s testimony cannot be discarded despite some discrepanc­ies.

According to the complaint, two foreign nationals of US and Russia were allegedly sexually abused by their landlord’s son in the early hours of June 24, 2013, while they were sleeping in their room. A case was lodged against the accused based on the statement of the US national.

The accused had claimed that there were disputes between the woman’s husband and him which had led to lodging of this case.

The court refused to agree with the contention of the accused’s counsel that since the forensic result is negative, it proves that he is not guilty.

“As is evident from the facts of the case, there are allegation­s of digital rape only against the accused.

“Even though the FSL result is negative, it is not of much consequenc­e in the facts and circumstan­ces of the present case...finding of a negative FSL result would not absolve the accused of the charges in the present case,” it said. —

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