Khaleej Times

Mueller seeks at least 20 years jail sentence for Manafort


new york — Prosecutor­s for Special Counsel Robert Mueller urged a federal judge in Virginia on Friday to impose a strict prison sentence for President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort, after a jury last year convicted him on eight counts of bank and tax fraud.

In their sentencing memo filed in US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, prosecutor­s said Manafort, who is 69, deserves between 19.6 and 24.4 years in prison and a fine of between $50,000 and $24 million.

“While some of these offences are commonly prosecuted, there was nothing ordinary about the millions of dollars involved in the defendant’s crimes, the duration of his criminal conduct or the sophistica­tion of his schemes,” prosecutor­s said in the memo. “Manafort did not commit these crimes out of necessity or hardship,” they said. “He was well-educated,

He (Manafort) cheated the United States Treasury and the public out of more than $6 million in taxes


profession­ally successful and financiall­y well off. He nonetheles­s cheated the United States Treasury and the public out of more than $6 million in taxes at a time when he had substantia­l resources.” Friday’s court filing in Virginia came just days after a federal judge in Washington, DC, ruled that Manafort had breached his plea agreement in a parallel case by lying to investigat­ors despite a pledge to cooperate.

That finding earlier this week by Judge Amy Berman Jackson in US District Court for the District of Columbia could have a direct impact on how Manafort is sentenced in the Virginia case.

Judge TS Ellis in Alexandria had planned to sentence Manafort on February 8, but he later postponed that until after Jackson’s ruling, saying it “may have some effect on the sentencing decision in this case.”

Manafort was one of the first people in Trump’s orbit to face charges as part of Mueller’s probe into whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to tilt the 2016 presidenti­al poll. —

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