Khaleej Times


- Amira Agarib amira@khaleejtim­

DUBAI — Several Sudanese expats in the UAE rejoiced when Sudan’s defence minister announced on Thursday that President Omar Hassan Al Bashir’s 30-year rule is over.

Resident Hoyam Fateh said it was a “great day” for Sudan. “We have been waiting for this day for years, and Sudan has suffered from the economic crisis, rising inflation and cutbacks in subsidies throughout the dictatorsh­ip.”

Expats in the UAE are now pinning their hopes on the interim government, which they insisted must also include civilians.

“We hope that the new government will tackle the economic issues, however, they should involve civilians in this governance,” Fateh said.

Murtada Majid, a UAE-based legal advisor, said: “This is a day of joy and happiness for millions Sudanese who have been struggling for years to topple this dictatorsh­ip. But we are all hoping for a democratic government, as many people find that the announceme­nt did not give further details.”

While many of their questions remained unanswered, the expats said they have every reason to celebrate what they described as the “victory of the Sudanese people”.

Abdul Raheem Ameer, another UAE resident, said: “The ouster of Al Bashir will open new era for Sudan. This is a morning of hope for all Sudanese who suffered a lot from the dictatorsh­ip, with its bad administra­tion that led to conflicts and wars.”

Expat Nabwia Ali said they are pretty sure all their other compatriot­s across the world are “happy to win this battle against such an aggressive government”.

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