Khaleej Times




Start conversati­ons early: If you start talking about online safety early, it will make your job much easier when your children get older. Start with simple rules like: “Don’t open e-mails or messages from people you don’t know” and “decline friend requests from strangers”. Teach your children to not take part in online bullying and to report if they see someone being targeted. You want online safety to be part of their normal behavioUr. Contrary to stereotype­s, gaming is not just restricted to boys, girls also enjoy playing and should be included in conversati­ons.


Agree on a routine and appropriat­e length of time

children can be online: Set a good example by minimising your online activity at home. Lead by showing your children that you follow a routine, which also involves work and physical activity. By allocating ‘playing time’, you can encourage children to see gaming as a treat and help them manage their time more efficientl­y. Also, use a parental control software to set time limits on your child’s device usage. This will help them see how much time they are spending online and help reduce exposure to potentiall­y malicious websites.


Be careful of what you click: Most children have been using digital activities for entertainm­ent from an early age, desensitis­ing them to the potential risks of online behaviour. Cybercrimi­nals can use the popularity of video games to entice gamers to click on potentiall­y malicious links. Ensure your children are aware of what they’re clicking on and that they always need to check how reliable the source is. Parents should also bear age restrictio­ns in mind. Games should be age-appropriat­e to keep kids away from potentiall­y unsuitable content.


Get the whole family to unplug and create ‘screenfree zones’: Introduce a time during the day that you can all gather together as a family and spend time without any electronic­s. This will help your children recognise the importance of socialisin­g and communicat­ing as a family. Think of instances such watching TV after dinner and saving gaming for the weekend as ways in which you can present visual media as a privilege and strengthen your family bond through socialisat­ion and respecting boundaries.

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