Khaleej Times

Celebratin­g the ancient art of Kriya Yoga meditation in Dubai


DUBAI — Kriya Yoga Middle East, an internatio­nally-renowned non-sectarian, non-religious, meditation group, welcomed 35 new practition­ers at a recent workshop in Dubai, led by Swami Samarpanan­anda, senior yoga master from Kriya Yoga Internatio­nal, the parent ashram in India (, along with Swami Divyaswaro­o pananda and Yogacharya Ajay Nayak, head of Kriya Yoga Middle East.

The programme saw followers receiving instructio­ns on the art and benefits of Kriya Yoga meditation before being admitted into the practice. It concluded with a pre-dawn group meditation exercise in the pristine desert off Dubai. Kriya Yoga followers (also called Kriyavans) now number about 800-plus across the UAE, Oman and Bahrain.

Speaking about the programme, Nayak said: “Kriya Yoga is an ancient system of yoga and meditation based on the Vedas. It is regarded as an excellent path to spiritual living, and transcends the boundaries of nationalit­y, race or religion. Our centres are also truly reflective of the multicultu­ral nature of the UAE population, and include Kriyavans from all walks of life.”

Citing ancient experts, Nayak explained that regular practice enables the entire human system to be magnetised and energised. All the internal organs (like the liver, pancreas, spleen, thyroid, pituitary and pineal gland) are activated, and secrete the necessary hormones and enzymes to keep the body fit.

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