Khaleej Times

Volcano shuts down Manila



manila — Schools and businesses shut across the Philippine capital on Monday as a volcano belched clouds of ash across the city and seismologi­sts warned an eruption could happen at any time, potentiall­y triggering a tsunami.

Thousands of people were forced to evacuate their homes around Taal, one of the world’s smallest active volcanoes, which spewed ash for a second day from its crater in the middle of a lake about 70 km (45 miles) south of central Manila.

“The speed of escalation of Taal’s volcanic activity caught us by surprise,” Maria Antonia Bornas, chief science research specialist at the Philippine Institute of Volcanolog­y and Seismology told reporters. “We have detected magma. It’s still deep, it hasn’t reached the surface. We still can expect a hazardous eruption any time.”

Authoritie­s warned that an eruption could send a tsunami surging across the lake.

More than 16,000 people were evacuated from the volcanic island and the area immediatel­y around it normally a popular tourist spot. Dozens of tremors set residents on edge.

Some tourists ignored the dangers and travelled to towns closest to the volcano to get a better look.

“It’s a once in a lifetime experience for us,” Israeli tourist Benny Borenstein told Reuters as he snapped photos of Taal from a vantage point in Tagaytay City, about 32 kms away.

In nearby Talisay Batangas, Vice Governor Mark Leviste said rain had turned ash to mud and trucks were needed to evacuate more people from remote communitie­s.

“There is no power. Even water was cut, so we are in need of potable water,” he said. “We are in need of face masks.”

In Manila, masks sold out quickly after residents were advised to wear them if they had to go out. Some wore handkerchi­efs across their faces as they breathed air tainted by the smell of sulphur.

Streets that would normally be snarled with some of the world’s worst traffic were largely empty in the city of 13 million people.

Schools and government offices were closed on official orders. The stock exchange suspended trading and many private businesses shut for the day too. —

The speed of escalation of Taal’s volcanic activity caught us by surprise. We still can expect a hazardous eruption any time.

Maria Bornas, Talisay Batangas Vice-Governor

You could not sleep anymore, because every time you closed your eyes the house would shake. All of us didn’t sleep at all.

Lia Monteverde, Talisay City restaurant owner

I’m worried because this (delay) means additional expense for me and it’s tiring to wait. But there’s nothing we can do.” Joan Diocaras, a stranded traveller

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