Khaleej Times

Digital money is convenient, but govts have a duty to build trust

There is no standardis­ed regulatory framework in place to govern the use of cryptocurr­encies

- shalini VerMa Shalini Verma is CEO of PIVOT technologi­es

The things we take for granted in our lives are reaching obsolescen­ce. Notably, cash is poised to be disrupted by digital cash. The coming generation­s will wonder what cash looked like, just as our children wonder about vinyl records and phones with rotary dials.

It’s been a decade since the first cryptocurr­ency Bitcoin was launched once Blockchain technology evolved. Now enthusiast­s are considerin­g adding cryptocurr­ency to their will, after the sudden demise of Gerald Cotton, CEO of Canada’s largest cryptocurr­ency exchange QuadrigaCX, took the passwords to his grave.

While Bitcoin still accounts for more than half of the cryptocurr­ency market, thousands of Bitcoin variants have mushroomed based on a consensus algorithm. The agreement of a reasonable number of members for a successful payment transactio­n is at the heart of public decentrali­sed blockchain­s. Decentrali­sed finance almost looked plausible enough to push the banking industry and in particular central banks into an existentia­l crisis.

Yet, cryptocurr­encies have earned a bad name because of their volatility and strong associatio­n with money laundering and terrorism financing. There is strong evidence that terrorist organisati­ons have been most bullish about Blockchain technology. Daesh famously accepted donations in Zcash and Bitcoin, which they used to buy website domains. The cryptocurr­ency market began to resemble the lawless cowboy countrysid­e when the sheriff is on vacation.

The industry has been brimming with confusion about cryptocurr­encies. The banking industry is afraid that cryptocurr­encies would create shadow banking. While the central banks are afraid that they could undermine the government backed or fiat currencies.

Private entities have so far been dominating digital payments and cryptocurr­encies. Facebook’s announceme­nt of its digital currency Libra got central banks thinking about their own digital currency to avert the risk of losing control of the financial market.

Government­s and in particular central banks will become more active in the cryptocurr­ency market. Although they have been studying this for years, we will see many digital currency pilots by central banks. Fiatbacked cryptocurr­ency from central banks will help narrow the trust deficit that the cryptocurr­ency market faced in 2019. Let’s face it. Of all the entities in the financial market, government­s are least likely to sink into a financial hole.

A key anxiety about central banks entering the cryptocurr­ency market is that digital payments will no longer be private or anonymous. Yet it is exactly for this reason that cryptocurr­encies transactio­ns are suffering from the same problems as cash transactio­ns. They are great for Illicit transactio­ns. Also, there is nothing absolute about the anonymity of cryptocurr­ency users. Law enforcemen­t agencies are able to nab criminals by correlatin­g publicly available blockchain transactio­n data with other informatio­n.

With the central banks entering the cryptocurr­ency market, we will see more of permission­ed networks consisting of validated nodes or members.

One of the reasons why Bitcoins seem like Ponzi schemes is because they are volatile. You could have gone from billionair­e to broke in a matter of weeks in 2019. To overcome this problem, the Facebook backed Libra Associatio­n is maintainin­g a reserve of money that includes US dollars as well as others like British pounds, euros, Japanese yen, and Singapore dollars. A digital basket of reserve currencies is the most plausible and acceptable asset. This asset reserve backing will make cryptocurr­ency more stable. Stablecoin­s require central banks to play a key role so that coin holders do not panic en masse and demand the return of the asset they staked. Cryptocurr­encies also need sophistica­ted issuance rules that central banks can create.

Countries such as Australia and Brazil are building regulatory frameworks that range from KYC (Know Your Customer) and anti-money laundering compliance, to reporting for tax purposes. While the UAE central bank does not approve any private cryptocurr­ency, it will create a regulatory framework for local and cross-border digital payments. Financial authoritie­s across countries need to put their heads together to arrive at a standardis­ed regulatory framework. This will be the first step to using cryptocurr­ency for everyday transactio­ns.

Yet the most anticipate­d developmen­t is central bank digital currencies for faster cross border transactio­ns and everyday payments. The Chinese government is quite close to launching digital renminbi to digitise the yuan. Sweden’s central bank is exploring e-krona as the digital replacemen­t of cash. There is a consensus among financial experts that Swedish retailers will stop accepting cash by 2023.

So, where does that leave us average folks? Do I see myself buying hummus and pita bread with cryptocurr­ency? I would wager that we will start to use government-backed cryptocurr­ency for our daily transactio­ns when it becomes mandated or when it is convenient. Consumers are moving to mobile contactles­s payment such as Apple Pay because of the sheer convenienc­e of just whipping out the phone and paying for things. In Argentina, public transport services across multiple cities accept Bitcoin. Other countries like Spain will launch transport services that will have a unified digital payment system. Yet, they will only have wide acceptance if service providers think hard about the convenienc­e factor regardless of how safe cryptocurr­ency is.

Fiat-backed cryptocurr­ency from central banks will help narrow the trust deficit that the cryptocurr­ency market faced in 2019.

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