Khaleej Times

Long road to gender equality


Access to education is not enough — we must also change people’s behaviours and attitudes towards girls. True equality will only come when all girls are safe from violence, free to exercise their rights, and are able to enjoy equal opportunit­ies in life Henrietta Fore,

Unicef Executive Director

More than 2 billion women and girls around the world face missing out on the advantages of their male peers as progress towards global gender equality goals stalls. About half the countries that signed up to the UN target of achieving gender equality by 2030 — home to

2.1 billion women and girls — are on course to fail on all five measures

At the current pace of progress, none of us will live to see a world where men and women are truly equal.”

Mark Suzman, CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

If current rates continue, it will take more than six generation­s for all girls and women to report feeling safe walking at night.”

A study report

new york — More than 2 billion women and girls around the world face missing out on the advantages of their male peers as progress towards global gender equality goals stalls, advocacy groups warned on Thursday.

About half the countries that signed up to the UN target of achieving gender equality by 2030 — home to 2.1 billion women and girls — are on course to fail on all five measures, research by the Equal Measures 2030 partnershi­p of advocacy groups found.

“The takeaway from this report is clear: At the current pace of progress, none of us will live to see a world where men and women are truly equal,” said Mark Suzman, CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, one of the group’s partners.

“The data that Equal Measures has collected and crunched should give all of us a new sense of urgency. We all must do more to take up the cause of gender equality.”

World leaders agreed in September 2015 on 17 Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDGs), designed to tackle the world’s most vexing problems including extreme poverty and inequality.

Described as a blueprint for the future, the 17 SDGs and 169 associated targets address challenges such as gender equality, hunger, jobs, education, sanitation, justice and peace.

The cost of implementa­tion has been estimated at $3 trillion a year.

The study found more than a third of countries studied have been moving slowly — or even in the wrong direction — on at least four of the five key measures of gender equality since 2015. They are access to contracept­ion, education, representa­tion in political leadership, workplace equality laws and perception­s of safety.

On perception­s of safety — an indicator of gender-based violence — there has been almost no progress worldwide, it said. “If current rates continue, it will take more than six generation­s for all girls and women to report feeling safe walking at night,” the report said.

Despite overall stagnation, there were examples of good progress in some countries. Rwanda and Ghana improved access to contracept­ion and education for women and girls, while Uruguay and Canada moved towards political parity, the researcher­s said.

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau named an equal number of men and women to his first cabinet in 2015, the first time that had happened in Canada.

“There’s some issues and some countries where change can be made very rapidly and there are other countries where the issues require more long-term investment,” said Allison Holder, director of EM2030 and author of the report. —

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