Khaleej Times

PM calls for joint stand against Islamophob­ia


islamabad — Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday wrote a letter to leaders of the Muslim countries for a collective action to counter the growing trend of Islamophob­ia.

The prime minister shared on twitter the image of the two-page letter, urging leaders to act urgently against Islamophob­ia.

“Today, we are confrontin­g a growing concern and restlessne­ss amongst our Ummah as they see the rising tide of Islamophob­ia and attacks, through ridicule and mockery on our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) in the Western world, especially Europe,” he wrote.

Khan said the recent statements at the leadership level and incidents of desecratio­n of the Holy Quran were reflective of increasing Islamophob­ia, spreading in the European countries where sizeable Muslim population­s resided.

“I believe the leadership in these countries often acts out of lack of understand­ing of the intrinsic deep passion, love and devotion Muslims all over the world have for their Prophet (PBUH) and their divine book the Holy Quran,” he said.

The prime minister said, “as a result, a dangerous cycle of actions and reactions are set in motion. Hurtful actions result in reactions from Muslims as they see their faith and their beloved Prophet targeted which results in further discrimina­tory actions by government­s against Muslim population­s in their states, resulting in marginalis­ation of Muslims and the creating of space for radical, far-right groups to exploit the situation.”

Khan said marginalis­ation was leading to radicalisa­tion and that vicious cycle continued to create increasing space for extremists on all sides.

“In this environmen­t, it is incumbent on us as leaders of the Muslim world to collective­ly take the lead in breaking this cycle of hate and extremism, which nurtures violence and even death. We, as leaders of Muslim polities, must take the initiative to call for an end to this cycle of hate and violence,” he said.

The prime minister urged upon Muslim leaders to raise collective voice and explain to the leadership of the non-Muslim, especially Western states, that Muslims hold their faith in “deep-seated reverence and love”.

“It is time to reach out to ‘the other’ and end cycles of violence bred of ignorance and hate. We must explain to the Western world that value systems differ for different social and religious and ethnic groups in the world.”

He said for Europeans and the Jews, the Holocaust had led to many Western, especially European states, to criminalis­ing any act of criticism or questionin­g of the Holocaust.

“We understand and respect that. However, there has to be an understand­ing by the Western world of giving a similar respect to Muslims, for whom the pain and hurt is greatest when we see attacks on our faith and our beloved Prophet (PBUH) through mockery, ridicule and even abuse,” he added.

The prime minister said: “Blasphemy against any Prophet of Islam, Christiani­ty or Judaism is unacceptab­le in our faith.” —

I believe the leadership in these countries, often acts out of lack of understand­ing of the intrinsic deep passion, love and devotion Muslims have for their Prophet PBUH and Holy Quran

Imran Khan

Prime Minister

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