Khaleej Times

Vaccine exporter India now seeks imports as cases soar


India is to fast-track emergency approvals for Covid-19 vaccines that have been authorised by Western countries and Japan, paving the way for possible imports of Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna shots.

The move, which will drop the need for companies to do small, local safety trials for their vaccines before seeking emergency approval, follows the world’s biggest surge in cases in the country this month.

India has the biggest vaccine manufactur­ing capacity in the world and had exported tens of millions of doses before its own demand skyrockete­d and led to a shortage in some states. Its need for imports would be a blow to dozens of poor countries that had relied on the country to run their inoculatio­n drives.

India’s health ministry said vaccines authorised by the World Health Organisati­on or authoritie­s in the United States, Europe, the United Kingdom and Japan “may be granted emergency use approval in India, mandating the requiremen­t of post-approval parallel bridging clinical trial”.

“If any of these regulators have approved a vaccine, the vaccine is now ready to be brought into the country for use, manufactur­e and fill-and-finish,” Vinod Kumar Paul, a senior government health official, told a news conference. “We hope and we invite the vaccine makers such as Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and be ready to come to India as early as possible.”

Pfizer said it would work towards bringing its vaccine to India after withdrawin­g its applicatio­n in February.

India has administer­ed more than 108 million doses, sold more than 54.6 million vaccine doses abroad and gifted more than 10 million to partner countries.

It is currently using the AstraZenec­a shot and a homegrown vaccine for its own immunisati­on drive, and this week approved Russia’s Sputnik V shot for emergency use.

Since April 2, India has reported the world’s highest daily tallies of infections, exceeding 100,000 for the first time last week. It reported 161,736 cases on Tuesday, taking the total to 13.7 million. Deaths rose by 879 to 171,058. The jump in infections, for which Health Minister Harsh Vardhan acknowledg­ed widespread failure to heed curbs on movement and social interactio­n, has prompted calls for the government to cancel huge public events. But hundreds of thousands of devout Hindus are set to bathe in the Ganges river on Wednesday, the third key day of the weeks-long Kumbh Mela — or pitcher festival.

Nearly a million bathed in the Ganges on Monday in the belief that its waters would wash away their sins. More than 100 tested positive for Covid-19 in random testing of around 18,000 attendees, media said.

Similar concerns of a spike in cases were sparked by mass election rallies by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s party and opposition groups during polls in four states and one federally run region. At one rally in the eastern state of West Bengal, a key political prize, Home Minister Amit Shah posted Twitter pictures of meetings with crowds of supporters while unmasked.

The second wave of infections, which began in India’s major cities, is increasing­ly spreading into the hinterland, where healthcare facilities are often rudimentar­y.

In Raipur, the capital of Chhattisga­rh state known for its large tribal population, the main government hospital’s morgue was struggling to keep up, said joint director Dr Vineet Jain. “All oxygenated and ICU beds are full in our set-up,” he said. —Reuters

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