Khaleej Times

Over 250 Ukraine troops surrender, ceding Mariupol’s control to Russia


More than 250 Ukrainian fighters surrendere­d to Russian forces at the Azovstal steelworks in Mariupol and Kyiv said it had ordered its entire garrison to evacuate, heralding the end of Europe’s bloodiest battle in decades.

Reuters saw buses leave the steelworks overnight and five of them arrive in the Russian-held town of Novoazovsk, where Moscow said they would be treated for wounds.

In one, marked with the Latin letter ‘Z’ that has become the symbol of Russia’s assault, wounded men were lying on stretchers three bunks high. One man was wheeled out, his head tightly wrapped in thick bandages.

While both sides spoke of a deal under which all Ukrainian troops would abandon the huge steelworks, many details were not yet public, including how many fighters remained inside and whether any form of prisoner swap had been agreed in advance.

The Kremlin said President Vladimirpu­tinhadpers­onallyguar­anteed the prisoners would be treated according to internatio­nal standards.

“The ‘Mariupol’ garrison has fulfilled its combat mission,” the General Staff of Ukraine’s Armed Forces said in a statement.

“The supreme military command ordered the commanders of the units stationed at Azovstal to save the lives of the personnel...defenders of Mariupol are the heroes of our time.” Russian defence ministry video showed fighters leaving the plant in daylight, some carried on stretchers, others with hands up to be searched by Russian troops.

Russia said at least 256 Ukrainian fighters had “laid down their arms and surrendere­d”, including 51 severely wounded. Ukraine said 264 soldiers, including 53 wounded, had left the plant and efforts were under way to bring out the rest.

Thesurrend­erappearst­omarkthe end of the battle of Mariupol, where Ukraine believes tens of thousands of people were killed under months of Russian bombardmen­t and siege.

The city now lies in ruins. Its complete capture is Russia’s biggest victory of the war, giving Moscow total control of the coast of the Sea of Azov and an unbroken stretch of eastern and southern Ukraine about the size of Greece. But it comes as Russia’s campaign has faltered elsewhere, with its troops around the city of Kharkiv in the northeast lately retreating at the fastest pace since they were driven out of the north and the area around the capital Kyiv at the end of March.

Authoritie­s on both sides gave few clues about the ultimate fate of Mariupol’s last defenders. Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk said Kyiv aimed to arrange a prisoner swap for the wounded Ukrainians once their condition stabilises, but neither side disclosed terms for any specific deal. “We hope that we will be able to save the lives of our guys,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said. “There are severely wounded ones among them. They’re receiving care. Ukraine needs Ukrainian heroes alive.”

The United Nations, which had helped civilians evacuate from Azovstal this month, was not operationa­lly involved in the evacuation, U.N. spokespers­on Saviano Abreu said.

Mariupol is the biggest city Russia has captured since its Feb. 24 attack, giving Moscow a clear-cut victory for the first time in months, during which its campaign in Ukraine has mostly faced military disaster against an underestim­ated foe. In a statement on Monday, the Azov Regiment, the Ukrainian unit that had held out in the steelworks, said it had achieved its objective over 82 days of resistance by making it possible to defend the rest of the country.

“In order to save lives, the entire Mariupol garrison is implementi­ng the approved decision of the Supreme Military Command and hopes for the support of the Ukrainian people,” it said.

The regiment, now part of Ukraine’s territoria­l defence forces, originated as a far-right militia, and Moscow has portrayed defeating its fighters as central to its stated objective of “de-nazifying” Ukraine. — reuters

 ?? SEARCHED By THE pro-russian military In Mariupol, — reuters on TUESDAY shows what It Claims Is A SERVICE member of UKRAINIAN Forces, who left THE BESIEGED Azovstal steel plant, BEING ?? A still image taken from a video released by Russian Defence Ministry
SEARCHED By THE pro-russian military In Mariupol, — reuters on TUESDAY shows what It Claims Is A SERVICE member of UKRAINIAN Forces, who left THE BESIEGED Azovstal steel plant, BEING A still image taken from a video released by Russian Defence Ministry

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