Khaleej Times

Police seize 383 motorcycle­s, e-scooters for violating laws

- Waad Barakat waad@khaleejtim­

Dubai Police seized 383 motorcycle­s and electric scooters for negligence and non-compliance with riding rules in designated places and other violations during the month of Ramadan.

The authoritie­s stated that the violations came in several forms, including not adhering to the roads and paths on which riding is permitted, not wearing a helmet or a reflective vest, not installing a bright reflective white light at the front of the bike, and not equipping bicycles with working brakes.

This came in a press statement in which Major General Abdullah Ali Al Ghaithi, assistant commanderi­n-chief for operations affairs, affirmed Dubai Police's keenness to spread awareness and traffic culture among road users with the aim of reducing wrong behaviour, in addition to reducing traffic accidents and human losses on the roads.

In October last year, the Dubai Police had revealed that five people were killed and 29 injured in escooter accidents in 2023. The authority slapped over 10,000 fines on riders for breaking traffic rules in eight months.

In Dubai, fines of up to Dh300 are imposed on e-scooter riders who endanger their own or other's lives. Based on the statistics the police shared, on average, about 1,250 fines were issued every month last year for the improper use of these vehicles that have become a popular mode of transport for residents.

>> Avoid roads with speeds exceeding 60kmph

>> Maximum speed limit of 20kmph in residentia­l areas and beaches

>> Respect traffic lights and other road signs

>> Don't carry an additional person on e-bikes

>> Park in designated areas only

>> Dismount at pedestrian crossings

>> Don't ride against the traffic, among others.

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